By John Taylor, CISD Counselor
Students in Clarendon Schools and across the state will face a new assessment this spring. The Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills, or TAKS test replaces the decade old TAAS test.
The new TAKS test, (pronounced ‘tax’) is more rigorous due to increased depth and complexity of the questions.
Teachers prepare students for the TAKS by teaching the state curriculum, the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills or TEKS.
One of the biggest changes brought about by the new assessment program is the Student Success Initiative. Under this program, 3rd graders must pass the TAKS Reading test in order to be promoted to the 4th grade. They will have three opportunities to meet expectations. Additional instruction will be provided for all students who do not pass. A parent can request a GPC or Grade Placement Committee be formed that will ultimately decide if the student will be retained should the student not meet requirements on the third test. In 2005, all 5th graders will have to pass both the TAKS Reading and Math tests to be promoted to the 6th grade. In 2008, 8th graders will have to pass these tests to be promoted to the 9th grade.
Another change TAKS brings is a shift in the Exit Level test (the test that high school students must pass to graduate) from the 10th to the 11th grade. The Exit Level TAKS will consist of an English Language Arts test, a science test, a math test, and a social studies test- all of which must be passed before the student can graduate.
Clarendon High School has made several changes the past few years to address the TAKS requirements. An alternating block schedule has been in place for 2½ years. Longer blocked classes allow the teachers enough flexibility during each class to teach the TEKS and address the critical thinking required by TEKS. Several master schedule changes have been made, and all student graduation plans are devised with TAKS preparation in mind. Also, all juniors are now required to be enrolled in both a science and math class.
Since this year’s juniors took the Exit Level TAAS last year, the new TAKS Exit Level requirement will go into effect in the spring of 2004 for the senior class of 2005. All current CHS students have met Exit Level requirements.
The new TAKS test brings a more complicated testing schedule. Writing at grades 4 and 7, Reading at grade 9, and English Language Arts at grades 10 and 11 will be given on February 25. The third graders’ first opportunity to pass the Reading test will be on March 4 (any student not passing will retest on April 30 and if necessary, again on July 8). Reading at grades 4-8 will be on April 30. TAKS Math will be as follows: grades 3-8 and 11 on April 29, grade 10 on April 30, and grade 9 on May 1. Social Studies will be given on May 1 in grades 8, 10, and 11. Science will be assessed on May 1 for grade 5 and May 2 for grades 10 and 11.
TAAS has not gone away completely. It is still the graduation requirement for any current junior, senior, or out of school examinee who did not pass while in school. While no CHS students will need to retake the TAAS, it will be offered to out of school examinees this spring to those who register by January 24, 2003. Anyone interested in testing should contact the Clarendon counselor’s office at 874-3241.
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