Residents from northern Donley County asked for better road maintenance during the regular commissioners’ court session Monday.
Brad Dalton said roads leading to his property are in serious need of repairs and are dangerous to both vehicles and the people in them. He also said he has used his own tractor to work on the road himself but said he doesn’t think it should be his responsibility.
“This is part of your job,” Dalton told commissioners, “and I think you should do it.”
Dalton said he felt like there were not enough voters in his part of Precinct 4 to elect or to not elect anyone, but he hoped commissioners would try to do something anyway.
“I’m going to jot this date down as when I warned you about the roads, and I hope no one gets hurt and no one gets their car torn up,” he said.
Pct. 4 Commissioner Bob Trout said the county has been trying to improve the roads. To which Dalton responded, “When? Where? How?”
Commissioners said that current conditions are too dry for much work to be done on the roads.
The court took no formal action on the issue; but after Dalton and five other residents left the meeting, commissioners generally agreed that Dalton’s road is in bad shape. They also said there was no easy way to fix it.
In other county business, commissioners heard from Paula Lowrie of the Donley Appraisal District, who discussed recent legal changes regarding property taxes. She said House Bill 136 included a provision that would allow counties to freeze the ad valorem tax rate on people over age 65, but she also said there are many questions about the provision.
“Even the comptroller is not clear how it should be implemented,” Lowrie said. “The Attorney General and the Legislature need to clean it up.”
The court also considered a tax abatement for 786, Inc., for the company’s new Best Western hotel being built at US 287 and SH 70 North. Commissioners approved abating taxes 100 percent for five years and 50 percent for three years on a 3-1 vote (Commissioner Ernest Johnston voting “no”).
Commissioners approved purchasing OCA Case Management software for the justices of the peace offices to be paid for with each JP Technology Fund.
The court approved allowing Emergency Management Coordinator Jim Cockerham to share office space in the Clerk’s office in the Courthouse Annex.
Commissioners also voted to have exterior door locks on the Annex repaired or replaced as needed.
Last week, the court met in special session with Dale Sellers of Phoenix I Restoration and architect John Volz to discuss closure of the courthouse restoration project. No formal action was taken as final touch up work still needs to be completed.
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