Figures released Friday by Texas Comptroller Carole Keeton Strayhorn show the local economy continuing to grow with Clarendon, Hedley, and Howardwick all making gains.
“With just weeks remaining in the 2005 fiscal year, sales tax revenue is running 5.9 percent higher than the same point in FY 2004,” Strayhorn said.
The state collected $1.45 billion in sales tax revenue in July, and the comptroller sent local governments $466 million.
The City of Clarendon took in $28,191.03 for its August allocation, up 11.93 percent for the same period one year ago. That pushes the city’s year-to-date total to $179,525.85, an increase to 7.58 percent.
This marked Clarendon’s fifth straight month of increased allocations. The April allocation was up 14.88 percent, May rose 15.71 percent, June saw in increase of 10.7 percent, and July was up 20 percent.
Hedley was up 10.6 percent for a total of $594.15 in August, and Howardwick was up less than one percent for a total of $1,060.48. Both cities are still trailing for the year-to-date.
August sales tax allocations statewide to local governments are up 8.1 percent compared to August 2004.
Calendar year to date, city sales tax revenues are up 7.5 percent compared to 2004. July state sales tax collections are up 14.5 percent compared to July 2004.
July state sales tax revenue and August allocations to local governments represent sales taxes collected in June by businesses that report sales taxes monthly, and sales taxes collected in April, May and June by quarterly filers.
The Comptroller’s next sales tax allocation will be made on Monday, September 12.
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