The Adamson-Lane Post 287 of the American Legion hosted a service in Rowe Cemetery Thursday with Rev. Lloyd Stice, pastor of Clarendon’s First United Methodist Church, delivering the keynote address, and special services was held for those Missing in Action and still held as Prisoners of War.
Dick Bode of Alanreed later spoke at the Hedley School. He lived through five years of German occupation and later served in the US Air Force. He said Americans are “ordinary people doing extraordinary things.”
That evening, more than 300 people were at Clarendon College Bairfield Activity Center for a candlelight vigil that recognized both the men and women who have served and are currently serving the United States. Several community members helped with the program, and Dr. John Howard, who is also a captain in the US Navy, delivered the keynote, which honored the real heroes of America and called for support not just for the fallen but also for the families of those still overseas and for those who come home permanently changed. Howard also drew attention to the need for better treatment of American veterans, particularly noting issues of health care and homelessness.
Another program was held last Wednesday at the Clarendon school, and the local VFW post provided free breakfast to veterans on Thursday.
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