The Clarendon Lions Club delivered more than 40 food baskets to familes in Donley County Tuesday in the hopes of giving some folks a more merry Christmas Panhandle Community Services and Clarendon Junior High students contributed food to the baskets and the Skelton Fellowship Class at the Methodist Church also donated to the cause Shown here are Lion Monty Hysinger Sweetheart Annie Patten Lion Don Smith Sweetheart Ashlyn Tubbs Lion Bobbie Thornberry Sweetheart Kaleigh West Lion Cary Wann Lion Chuck Robertson Lion Ashlee Estlack Lion Roger Estlack Lion Lloyd Stice Lion Larry Capranica Lion Lambert Little and Lion Cameron Word Also helping but not shown were David Smith Buster Baird Jim Cockerham Scarlet Estlack and Lion Russell Estlack Enterprise photo Scarlet Estlack
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