Archives for April 2011
Chilling symbol

Several athletes to compete in Area track meet
Broncos add to winning season
Sign of spring

Texas Homecoming Queen

Old school athletes

County renews burn ban
Donley County Commissioners renewed a “Red Flag” Burn Ban during a called meeting last Wednesday.
The resolution bans outdoor burning on days labeled as a “Red Flag Warning” by the National Weather Service and the Texas Forest Service. No burning may occur within 24 hours of a forecasted Red Flag event. All existing fires should be extinguished 24 hours prior to a Red Flag event.
County Judge Jack Hall on April 1 had issued an emergency executive order banning all outdoor burning, including barbecue grills, in the unincorporated areas of the county. That order is no longer in effect, and the commissioners’ resolution does not include barbecue grills, the judge said.
The Donley County Sheriff’s Department is issued statements from the National Weather Service in Amarillo concerning fire weather and they are updated as needed as fire weather conditions change. Dispatchers have at hand information regarding Fire Weather Watches and Red Flag Warnings to be relayed to the public as needed. This information is also available on the web at
All fires must be reported to the Sheriff’s Office prior to ignition. Violation of the burn ban can carry a fine of up to $500.
As dry conditions continue, the Eastern TX Panhandle Chapter of the American Red Cross urges everyone to be cautious with open flames. It only takes a spark for a fire to get started and then driven by winds to create a wildfire.
Prepare your home against wildfire. Create a 30 to 100 ft safety zone around your home. Within this area here are a few steps to take to reduce potential exposure to flames and radiant heat.
Rake leaves, dead limbs and twigs. Clear all flammable vegetation. Remove leaves and rubbish from under structures. Mow grass regularly. Clear a 10 ft area around propane tanks and the barbecue. Place a screen over the grill.
County officials will announce critical information about evacuations and where to go if necessary. Wildfire is a life-threatening event. Follow officials’ directions for your safety.
Panhandle Press names Estlack to Hall of Fame
Ruby Dell Estlack, former co-owner of The Donley County Leader, was inducted into the Panhandle Press Association Hall of Fame during the PPA’s 101st annual convention in Amarillo last Friday.
During a banquet at the American Quarter Horse Museum, Estlack was recognized for 38 years of service and commitment to the newspaper industry in the Texas Panhandle. Doug McDonough of the Plainview Daily Herald was also honored.
Estlack began working at the Leader shortly after she married George Wayne Estlack in 1936. She was assigned the job of collecting on accounts, which she did in person in order to improve goodwill between the paper and its customers. She later would take on the role of Society Editor as well before she and her husband became the paper’s sole owners in 1958.
Estlack was not able to attend the convention, but her daughter, Jackie Patterson, accepted the award on her behalf. In an acceptance letter, Estlack wrote:
“At the age of 19 when I married and became a member of the Estlack newspaper family, I never dreamed of seeing this day. I found myself working in all departments of The Donley County Leader – except Linotype. And now – to see my name among so many noted newspaper people, I am humbled.”
Estlack and her husband were very active members of the Texas and Panhandle Press Associations. As secretary and president of PPA, George Wayne published the association’s magazine, and Ruby Dell was responsible for reading all the area papers to provide content for that publication.
She was on hand for several innovations at the Leader, including the moves from a flat bed, hand-fed press to a roll fed press in the Leader shop and then finally to an offset press in Childress. She was always involved from start to finish with the paper. After the printing operation moved to Childress, she drove the proofs to Childress each Wednesday – often late at night – and then returned it for Thursday’s mail.
In 1974, George Wayne and Ruby Dell sold The Donley County Leader to The Clarendon Press, but the Estlacks remained in the office supply and printing business into the mid-1990s. At 93, Ruby Dell still maintains her independence in her home in Clarendon.
“I have many happy memories from my association with PPA,” Estlack wrote. “This award means a lot to me. The many years of newspaper publishing have been my way of life and most rewarding. I’ve been so blessed.”
Estlack’s late husband, who passed away in 1994, is also a member of the PPA Hall of Fame, having been inducted in 1998.
Enterprise, Canadian share top PPA honor
The Clarendon Enterprise tied with The Canadian Record for General Excellence Award when the Panhandle Press Association announced the winners of its annual Better Newspaper Contest in Amarillo last Saturday.
Winners were announced at the close of the association’s 101st annual convention at the Ambassador Hotel.
The Enterprise won five first place plaques, five second place plaques, and two for third place.
Enterprise publisher Roger Estlack won first place in Serious Columns on topics that focused on family life, and together he and Kari Lindsey received first place honors in Sports Photos.
Anndria Newhouse won first place in Feature Photos as well as second place in Spot News Photos with the same remarkable photo of a lightning bolt last spring.
The newspaper’s online presence,, managed by Julie Shields, won the Best Website category. Advertisements designed by Shields also received a second place plaque.
Ashlyn Tubbs was awarded second place for Feature Writing, and the Enterprise also earned second honors in Society & Lifestyles as well as third place honors for Special Sections and Editorials.
The PPA was led this year by Canadian’s Mary Smithee. She will continue on the PPA Board as Immediate Past President with the following officers: Phil Hamilton of Olton, President; Amanda Rogers of Canyon, Vice President; and Ashlee Estlack, Secretary/Treasurer, along with directors Jed Moorehouse of Silverton, Jeff Blackmon of Dimmitt, Roger Estlack, and Jessica Montgomery of Claude.
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