The Kids’ Parade started the day, and the winners were: Landon Stavenhagen and Mario Flores in the bicycle division, Tandie and Kennadie Cummings in the tricycle division, and Maloree Wann and Kai Floyd in the motorized division. Honorable mention went to Jayde and Braxton Gribble.
The annual Craft Fair drew a big crowd to the courshouse square, where the Al Morrah Shrine Club served 800 plates of barbecue this year. That is up from 597 last year.
Funds from the annual barbecue are used in conjunction with the Khiva Temple of the Shrine in Amarillo to help pay for the transportation of kids to the Shriners’ burns and crippled children’s hospitals.
In the Western Parade Monday afternoon, the Girl Scouts won first place in the float division. In the Vehicles division of the parade, the Bronco Parents-Cheerleaders won first place. The Cars 2 Train by Paulette Kidd and Trisha Hewett won first place in the Miscellaneous division.
Several organizations held fundraisers during the celebration. The winners of the Lions Club Cow Patty Bingo were Danny Askew; $250, Nikki McGlaun; $50 and Linda Blucher of Burlington, Iowa; $50.
Russell Keown won the John Deere riding lawn mower given by the Friends of Donley County Activity Center that supported Donley County 4-H. Neva Spier was the winner of the St. Mary’s Catholic Women Quilt Drawing. Callie Hargrove won the BBQ grill given by the Clarendon FFA Scholarship Fund.
The Cash for Kids drawing fundraiser for the Donley County Child Welfare Board raised a total of $10,000, half of which went to the grand prize winner of $5,000, which was Courtney Newhouse. Kenny Black, Melinda McAnear, and Kathy Haggerman each won $200 in prizes. The community’s support towards this fundraiser was appreciated.
Henson’s annual Turtle Race was held on Saturday afternoon. There were altogether 73 participants; and the winners were two-year-old Pierce Wilhelm of Nazareth for the 0-4 division, eight-year-old Roxie Adams of Clarendon for the 5-8 division, and 12-year-old Kenzy Middleton of Memphis for the 9-14 division
Weather for this year’s celebration was more favorable that in recent weeks, and the community even received some light showers, which put everyone in good spirits. The community was very busy, and this year’s celebration was seen as a success.
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