Clarendon voters will head to the polls this Saturday to decide the fate of a $700,000 bond issue to fund street improvements.
Early voting on the issue closed Tuesday, and only 30 people had cast ballots as of press time.
If approved the measure would authorize the issuance of bonds to fund paving and other improvements on several streets around the city.
City Administrator Lambert Little said the proposed project should make a visible difference in the city streets but be small enough to pay for within seven years without a tax increase.
“Bonds would be paid from property tax receipts,” Little said. “The payment on $700,000 would be almost the same payment as we have been making on the bonds for the West Side Paving Project a few years ago.”
Those bonds were paid off in February.
Little said the project targets Sixth Street from Koogle to Goodnight Streets to give citizens a “straight shot across town without getting on the highway” and also focuses streets near the school and the college, a four-block stretch of Carhart Street, and what he describes as a few problem intersections.
Streets would be left at their current width, and curbing by contractors would be added where none is present. City crews would use the Asphalt Zipper to grind up damaged pavement and base material; cement or a liquid stabilization material would be added and then compacted, creating a stable base.
“We would likely use contractors to then sealcoat the streets with two passes of tar and gravel,” Little said.
The exception would be Sixth St. from the intersection with Parks St. to the low water crossing near City Park, which would be overlaid with 1½ inches of hot-mix asphalt.
“This area is ravaged by storm water draining from the southwest side of town,” Little said. “Without substantial rehabilitation, this street will wash away every season.”
The project also includes: Third Street from Allen to Bugbee – base stabilization, curbing, and 2-pass seal coating; Allen Street, from Third to Fifth – base stabilization, curbing, and 2-pass seal coating; Sims Street, from Third to Fourth (west side of Bronco Stadium) – base stabilization, curbing, and 2-pass seal coating; Carhart Street, from Sixth to Hwy. 287 – base stabilization and 2-pass seal coating; and Wood Avenue from Jackson to Faker – base stabilization, curbing, and 2-pass seal coating.
The project also proposes seal coating Clarendon Avenue from Bugbee to its west end (along the south side of the Clarendon College campus) and Regent Ave. from US 287 to Clarendon Ave. (which winds up the middle of the CC campus).
“There have been some concerns about seal coating these streets, which may or may not be property of Clarendon College,” Little said. “However, these streets are clearly being used by the public. Hence, rehabilitating them is a legitimate use of public funds.”
The Clarendon Economic Development Corporation Board last month approved a motion to contribute $10,000 to the project this fiscal year contingent on voters approving the bond issue.
Polls in the city bond election will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. this Saturday at the Donley County Courthouse Annex. Check for election results.
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