One of the good things about living in Donley County is that we are not negatively affected by events around the country, and the world. In short, life in Clarendon and the rest of Donley County are in the midst of “the good old days.” Regardless of what happens outside of our county lines, things remain pretty much the same inside the lines. This is a good thing.
For example, let’s take a brief peek at Iraq, and the goings-on in that pathetic little corner of Islamaland, the land of Islam. People continue to blow each other into smithereens, of course in the name of Allah. Thirty years from now, if history is a guide, they will still be blowing each other into smithereens, again in the name of Allah. Meanwhile, in Donley County, we are doing just fine, thank you very much. No blowing each other into smithereens, and no Allah, thanks be to God.
How about Afghanistan? Things are pretty much the same thing as in Iraq – folks blowing up folks in the name of Allah. And, after our military leaves, folks will still be blowing each other to smithereens – in the name of Allah. It’s pretty much the same thing in Egypt, Syria, Libya, and other garden spots of Islamaland. Meanwhile, here in beautiful Donley County, we are enjoying the good life, made possible by those who have gone before, easing our journey for us. We can expect more of the same in the near term and the long term.
How about Asia? Is there anything happening in Asia that affects us? Very little, except the price for gasoline, affects life here. If Arabs are fighting each other in Egypt, and there appears to be a slight chance that the Suez Canal could be closed – resulting in four percent of the oil supply to be constricted a bit, prices will increase here. How can the possible constriction of only four percent of the world’s supply of oil passing through Egypt (oil that will never make it to our shores) result in a 20 cents per gallon increase in local gasoline prices? Good question. How that happens is as mysterious as string theory in quantum physics. Even so, nothing is likely to change until we all start complaining about the high price of gasoline in a unified and strident manner. We have the power to change things if we really want to, and are smart about it.
Are there any other events happening in Asia that could have negative effects on life in Donley County? Short of another war, or a massive collision with an asteroid, etc., little that goes on in Asia, Europe, and Africa will have a measurable effect on life out here on the plains.
Now, Central and South America could present some problems for us in the future. Mexico represents the biggest threat to life in this part of Texas. Illegal immigration continues to be a problem, except for our farmers and ranchers, who need good cheap labor. Agriculture still needs illegal immigrants to enhance production. Even though technological advances have allowed our farmers to produce more with less labor, illegals are still needed to maximize their return. At least, that’s what a few of our locals farmers claim.
As importantly, the drug cartels of northern Mexico are rapidly becoming a threat to our security. They have already begun operations in Texas and the Southwest, and now have a physical presence in Texas. Truth be known, the Mexican drug cartels have actually killed people in Texas. They may not have been Texas citizens, but they were killed in Texas. Fortunately, so far, the drug cartels have stayed far south of Donley County and it should be a while before they work this far north.
The biggest threat to Donley County denizens currently dwells in places like New York City and Washington, DC, with a milder threat from Governor Rick has his band of merry outlaws in Austin. The recent ban of Big Gulps in New York City poses no imminent threat to locals, thank heavens. Folks here would hang Mayor Hicks and his non-counsel if they were so presumptuous as to order a ban on any sort of non-alcoholic, sugar and caffeine laced beverage. Perhaps we’d give him a few months to heal from his freshly cracked ribs beforehand. Meanwhile, we can all keep him in our prayers and hope that he heals quickly and completely.
In short, Donley County is a great place to live. Sure, we have our problems. Even so, we normally don’t sort out our problems with firearms and deadly violence. Excepting the occasional fist fight, involving our young bucks, life here is peaceful and relaxed. Sheriff Blackburn and his deputies pretty much keep a lid on any nefarious behavior that could result in disharmony and discord amongst citizens.
Life here is good. We generally care for each other, and do what we can to help to those who need a helping hand every once in a while. Our children are taught to have a basic respect for other people, our town, our great state of Texas, and our country. We generally take that respect others, God, and country to the grave.
Life, right now, in Donley County is “the good old days” that people often speak of. Enjoy it and be thankful for it.
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