Archives for May 2014
CHS athletes in top ten at state
By Sandy Anderberg
Three Clarendon High School athletes earned the right to compete in the State Track Meet in Austin last weekend, and they all represented their school and community well, finishing in the top ten of their events.

Charles Mason is the fifth best long jumper in the state as he went a distance of 21’5¼” on his second attempt. Track coach Johnny Nino had a lot of praise for the junior’s comeback.
“I was very proud of what he accomplished this year and what he did at the meet this past weekend,” Nino said. “He pulled his hamstring in the first meet of the year and didn’t jump again until district.”
Mason jumped over twenty-two feet earlier in the season that earned him the right to participate in the state meet.

Abby Johnson ran the 400-meter dash and finished seventh with a time of 1:01.74. The first place time was just over fifty-eight seconds. Johnson is also a junior and will be back to try again next year.
Senior Sarah Luttrell has proved herself as a great sprinter throughout her high school career and competed in the 100-meter dash a state. Luttrell finished a respectable eighth place in that event with a time of 12.85. The winning time posted was 11.51.
Both Lady Broncos had a stellar year running track and competed in several other races, including relays. Luttrell has been instrumental in the Lady Broncos’ success the last four years and will be greatly missed next year. Coach Alton Gaines realizes the impact both of these athletics have had on the track program.
“I’m so proud of these two young ladies,” Gaines said. “Just to be a part of the best nine in the state in your event in division 1A is big time.”
Early vote in runoff starts on Monday
Donley County voters will go back to the polls soon to make a final decision on who will be the Republican nominee for County Judge.
Randy Bond and John Howard were the top two vote getters for that position during the March primary, but neither man got more than 50 percent of the total vote in that four-person race.
Early voting by personal appearance will begin Monday, May 19, at the Donley County Courthouse Annex and continue through Friday, May 23. The Republican Runoff Election will be held Tuesday, May 27.
Voters who cast ballots in the Republican primary may vote in the runoff. Voters who did not vote at all in the primary election may also vote, but voters who cast ballots in the Democratic primary cannot vote in the Republican runoff.
The winner of the Republican runoff is facing no opposition in the November General Election and will succeed County Judge Jack Hall, who is retiring at the end of his term.
Several statewide races are also on the runoff ballot, and a Voters Guide for those positions is now available to the public online at the League of Women Voters of Texas website, www.lwvtexas.org. The nonpartisan Guide includes candidates in several contested statewide races and their answers to questions posed by the League.
Voters can also go to www.VOTE411.org for the Voters Guide information. By entering their address, voters can review the answers of candidates they can vote on as well as any ballot initiatives specific to that address.
Statewide runoff races include Democrat candidates for U.S. Senate, Republican candidates for lieutenant governor, Republican candidates for Texas attorney general, Democrat and Republican candidates for commissioner of agriculture, and Republican candidates for railroad commissioner.
There are also candidates for the State Board of Education but not for the position from the Panhandle district, which is not up for election this year.
City’s sales tax down for month, up for year
The first full month of alcohol sales are included in Clarendon’s sales tax revenue for this month after Texas Comptroller Susan Combs delivered May allocations last week.
Compared to last year, the city is down 7.12 percent at $39,429.81 this month, but, as local retailers remember, 2013 was an unusual year with an influx of pipeline workers to Clarendon, which sent sales soaring. As a result, last year’s May allocation was a 23.43 percent jump over the same period in 2012.
This year’s May figure is up 14.6 percent over what Clarendon received for the same period two years ago.
May sales tax allocations represent monthly sales made in March as well as January, February and March sales by businesses that report taxes quarterly. Package sales of alcohol began in Clarendon on February 20. Sales in local restaurants began March 18.
Clarendon sales tax figures are up for the calendar year-to-date by 1.5 percent at $161,163.66.
In Hedley, sales tax figures are up 11.87 percent at $838.71 this month and up 12.93 percent for the year at $3,576.46.
Howardwick sales tax revenue is down 0.64 percent at $1,293.07 for May and down 2.66 percent to $5,879.60 for the year-to-date.
Combs said that state sales tax revenue in April was $2.27 billion, up 5.6 percent compared to April 2013.
“Growth in sales tax revenue was spurred by increases in the telecommunications sector and services sector,” Combs said.
“Increased business spending in the wholesale trade sector also contributed to the latest monthly gain. This marks 49 consecutive months of growth in sales tax collections.”
Hedley names Liner, Wood as top seniors of 2014
Hedley High School has named Kristen Nicole Liner and Bailey Brook Wood as the top students for the Class of 2014, and both will be recognized during graduation ceremonies May 31.

Liner, the granddaughter of Chris and Teresa Liner, is the Valedictorian of the Class of 2014. Kristen has an average of 95.76. She has attended Hedley School for 12 years. She has participated in One Act Play, track and tennis for two years.
Liner was a Cheerleader her junior year, and she was a class officer for three years. She has also been a member of the social studies UIL team which has made it to regionals the past three years and she is a member of the National Honor Society. Kristen plans to attend Baylor University and major in pre-med.

Wood is the Salutatorian and is the daughter of Ty Wood and Patrice Wood. Bailey has an average of 95.08. She has been active in basketball all four years of high school, where she received many awards such as Academic All District, All District honors, and has been asked to attend two all-star games this summer.
Wood was also active in FFA, being on many different teams all four years of school. She was also active in Tennis for four years and advanced to the regional meet her sophomore and senior years. She was involved in One Act Play for two years, and National Honor Society for two years. Bailey has also served as one of the 2013-2014 Lions Club Sweethearts. After high school, Bailey plans to attend West Texas A&M University to pursue a career in Nursing.
Charlie Johnson Sullivan
Charlie Johnson Sullivan, 86, passed away in Clarendon on May 11, 2014.
Services were held at 2:00 p.m. Wednesday, May 14, 2014, in the Robertson Funeral Directors Saints’ Roost Chapel in Clarendon with Jeremy Pierce, officiating.
Burial followed at Citizens Cemetery in Clarendon.

Arrangements are under the direction of Robertson Funeral Directors of Clarendon.
Charlie was born October 11, 1927, in Clarendon, Texas to John and Mary Sullivan. He graduated from Clarendon High School and received an Associate’s Degree from Clarendon college, a bachelor’s degree from West Texas State College and a Master’s Degree from the university in Commerce, TX. On August 6, 1949, he married Daphine Roberson in Clarendon. Together they had two children, Tojuana and Jon. Charlie worked as a teacher and coach in many places throughout the panhandle, leaving a lasting impression and earning the nickname “Coach.” He began his career in McAdoo, Texas and retired in Lefors, Texas after which he lived in Wheeler and Clarendon. He and Daphine were active members of their community wherever they lived and were lifelong members of the Church of Christ.
Charlie Sullivan was a compassionate man who loved his family deeply and used his blessings to bless others. He was an example of self-sacrificing service in his care for his beloved wife, Daphine. He was kind and generous and will be greatly missed.
Charlie is preceded in death by his parents, his wife, a sister, Ella Mae Gibens, and a brother, William Sullivan.
He is survived by his son, Jon Sullivan of Wheeler, and wife Kristie; daughter Tojuana Sullivan of Clarendon; granddaughter, Brandie Neal of Clarendon, and husband Adrian; grandson J.R. Sullivan of Fort Worth, and wife Jennifer; grandson Jeremy Pierce of Houston, and wife Amanda; grandson, Matt Sullivan of Wheeler, and wife Stephanie; ten great-grandchildren; sisters, Faye Durkee, Ollie B Myers, and Betty Horton.
The family request memorials be sent to the Rotary Foundation Polio Research c/o Shamrock Rotary Club. Sign our online guest book at www.RobertsonFuneral.com
Styling on the steps
Top CC Students

Mulkey Block Party draws near
The second annual Mulkey Block Party will be held Memorial Day weekend on Saturday, May 24, and there is still time for sponsors and vendors to sign up.
“Insufficient Funds,” the band that was so popular at the first block party, will be back on stage to entertain for the evening.
Steve Hall and Jesse Lincycomb, both of Howardwick, will again provide the opening musical entertainment starting about 6 p.m., and a live auction benefiting the Mulkey Theatre Project will also be held.
Booth spaces will be offered for food vendors and activities with booth fees set at $50. Booth spaces will be available to both non-profit and for-profit groups, and vendors can have their booth fee waived if they wish to donate 50 percent or more of their proceeds to the Mulkey.

A car show will be held again, but organizers anticipate greater participation this year with vehicles from all eras being accepted for the show.
Entertainment activities for kids are being lined up as well, and one proposed idea would take kids into the Mulkey itself. Organizers are working out the logistics having cartoons shown inside the theatre on a temporary projector and make-shift screen.
Like last year, sponsorships from individuals and businesses will be the key to a successful event that will benefit the Mulkey Theatre project.
Inside the Mulkey, workers are busy with the first interior renovations to the building. The lobby, restrooms, concession area, and ticket booth should all be rehabilitated and ready for visitors during the block party.
For more information on the Mulkey Block Party, to rent booth space, or to sign on as a sponsor, contact Chandra Eggemeyer at the Clarendon Visitor Center at 806-874-2421.
Citywide garage sale set for June 7
The sign-up period for the ninth annual “Trash To Treasures” garage sale event is underway, this year’s sale is slated for Saturday, June 7. A large participation is again anticipated.
Garage sales in Hedley, Howardwick, and the surrounding area are also welcome to sign up for the big day.
“This event has been a success the last several years, and we’re hoping it will be equally successful this year,” said Roger Estlack, publisher of The Clarendon Enterprise, which sponsors the event.
“People realize that it makes sense to have these garage sales on the same day to draw a bigger crowd.”
Residents who wish to participate in this year’s “Trash To Treasures” are asked to come by the Enterprise before 5 p.m. on Friday, May 30, to sign up for the promotion.
For just $25, each household will get a 50-word advertisement in the Big-E Classifieds and the exclusive “Trash To Treasures” garage sale signs. In addition, the Enterprise will print a city map the week of the event indicating the location of each sale and will promote the citywide garage sale in area newspapers and with local radio ads.
“The more people who have garage sales, the better everyone will do,” Estlack said. “Sign-up fees are what cover the cost of area advertising, so we can reach more people and have better attendance if we have a larger number of sales.
For more information, call 874-2259 or come by the Enterprise office at 105 S. Kearney.
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