I love Jesus for many reasons, one of which happens to be beer.
In terms of food and drink, I think alcoholic beverages are among the greatest blessings we have received from our Creator. Aside from the variety of great flavors and the relaxing effects of alcohol (in moderation of course), alcoholic beverages have played a crucial role throughout history in preserving the lives of many people during times when purified water was not available.
I am also committed to following the Scriptures, so much so that I spent over four years receiving a theological education. In all of my many hours of scouring the Scriptures and learning from some of the greatest minds in the Church, never have I come across anything that would intimate that alcohol is a bad.
Yet, as I have kept in touch with my home town through friends, family, and the news, I have come to the conclusion that the many churches in Clarendon seem to think alcohol is evil, along with those who consume it. Why else would churches support an arbitrary zoning law that would keep the sale of alcohol at least 300 feet away? To keep the “sinners” away? Or are the churches so weak that the mere sight of alcohol sales will lead them into drunkenness?
It must be made clear that there is no biblical justification for thinking alcohol or the consumption of alcohol is evil. To make such a claim would be to condemn Christ as a sinner, for he not only consumed wine on many occasions, but made his own, which happened to be high quality (i.e. the good stuff) in a display of his glory. Moreover, an abundance of wine is a sign of God’s blessing.
Instead of condemning what Christ would condone, let us say along with the great church leader Martin Luther, “Whoever drinks beer, he is quick to sleep; whoever sleeps long, does not sin; whoever does not sin, enters Heaven! Thus, let us drink beer.”
Devin Noble, Canyon
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