Mother nature has made her presence known in Donley County this week in the form of tornadoes and severe thunderstorms.
Sunday and Monday evenings both were marked by harsh weather, but fortunately tornadic activity missed populated areas.
The Howardwick community had a near miss Sunday with a large tornado going north of the city, and then on Monday night, sirens blared as it appeared that Clarendon might get hit with one coming from the west.
Precipitation totals varied across the county, but National Weather Service Cooperative Observer Lori Howard recorded a total of 2.12″ officially for Clarendon for Sunday and Monday while Greenbelt Water Authority reported 2.32″ for the same period.
ABC7’s SchoolNet weather stations measured 1.66″ at Clarendon High School for Sunday and Monday and 2.51″ at the High Card Ranch southwest of the city.
Greenbelt Lake has benefited from the heavy rains over its watershed, coming up nearly two feet in the last ten days for a depth of 52.08 feet as of Tuesday afternoon with water still running into the reservoir.
Hail for the most part has not been significantly large, but some near tennis ball size was reported Sunday between Ashtola and Goodnight.
The county was under a tornado watch for the third night in a row as the Enterprise went to press Tuesday. The forecast calls for warmer, dryer weather the rest of the week before rain chances return on Sunday.
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