A local service club has put a reward after vandals inflicted more than $4,000 worth of damage to the Chance Mark Jones Playground in Prospect Park.
The Clarendon Lions Club Tuesday voted to put a $250 cash reward for information leading to the arrest and prosecution of the person or persons responsible for the damage.

Citizens first reported the vandalism last Friday, September 9. A large piece of the top of a plastic crawl tunnel was broken out, and two plastic roofs on the playground also have holes in them.
Playgrounds Etc., the company which installed the equipment, estimates materials to repair the unit will cost $2,900 with an additional $1,300 needed for installation.
The playground designed for children ages two through 12 was constructed in 2014 at a cost of more than $48,000.
City Administrator David Dockery said the playground is insured, and the city will be filing a claim.
Donley County Sheriff Butch Blackburn said the dollar amount involved in this case would make the crime a state jail felony.
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