Latigo Ranch took top honors for the Clarendon Outdoor Entertainment Association’s annual Ranch Rodeo last Friday and Saturday.
Latigo scores beat out 20 other local and regional teams as working cowboys put their skills to the test as part of the 142nd annual Saints’ Roost Celebration. The team was made up of Jacob Gudgell, Wesley Gudgell, Truston Gudgel, Bubba Garcia, and Zane Peters.
Wilson Cattle Co. team finished second with Rodey Wilson, Clay Paige, Colton Burnett, Casey McCleskey, and Tanner Allen and Baca Ranches placed third this year with the team of Zane Peters, Jayton Baca, Jake Baca, Rex Green, Tayler Burkett.
The Top Hand for the rodeo was awarded to Wesley Gudgell, and the Top Horse award was won by Jake Baca. This year’s attendance for the two-day ranch rodeo was 1,391.
The Junior Ranch Rodeo was won by Rockin JM with the team of Cooper McClesky, Sterlin Mitchel, Brazos Roberts, Blaine Roberts, Rye Reynolds. The second place team was Sand Creek with the team of Benny Proffitt, Cutter Kennedy, Clayton Anderson, Gage Hoganson, Clint Cross. M&M Cattle was third in the junior rodeo with a team of Coby Mason, Cooper McClesky, Sterlin Mitchel, Benny Proffitt, Brogan Rankin.
Top Hand winner for the Junior Ranch Rodeo was Clayton Anderson, and Sterlin Mitchell rode the Top Horse.
Junior Calf, Donkey, and Steer Riding and Mutton Bustin’ were held all three nights. Overall Mutton Bustin’ champion for the three nights was Laityn Hanks. Overall Calf Riding Champion was Caleb Askew, the Overall Donkey Rider was Chance Anderson, and Steer Riding champion was Heston Seay.
Nightly winners of the junior events were as follows:
July 4 – Calf Scramble – Grant Haynes, Parker Haynes, and Kale Brunson; Mutton Bustin’ –Lane Hardwin; Calf Riding – Caleb Askew and Donley Riding – Degan Barnes.
July 5 – Calf Scramble – Reese Myers, Parker Haynes, and Brent Banhom; Mutton Bustin’ – Braxton Gribble; Calf Riding – Caleb Askew; Donkey Riding – Eli Ritchie; and Steer Riding – Heston Seay.
July 6 – Calf Scramble –Brooks Myers, Kail Benson, and Colton Benson; Mutton Bustin’ – Layton Hanks; Calf Riding – Kelby Brownlee; Donkey Riding – Chance Aderson; and Steer Riding – Hunter Atwood.
Beef winners this year were Grant Mitchell, Pam Watson, and Mandy Jaramillo.
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