Donley County 4-H members Emily and Grace McCurdy and Nate and Dan Estlack competed in the Texas State 4-H Indoor Archery Match on March 27, 2021, in Pampa. A total of 263 archers stepped to the line and nocked and loosed their arrows in 20 rounds of competition on the 18-meter course. The match completed and their arrows quivered, the McCurdy sisters and the Estlack brothers were ranked in the top of their respective age divisions and bow classes and ranked as follows: Emily McCurdy, Intermediate Unaided Compound – Silver Medalist; Grace McCurdy, Senior Unaided Compound -Silver Medalist; Nate Estlack, Senior NASP – Silver Medalist; and Dan Estlack, Intermediate NASP – Gold Medalist. Donley County 4-H Archery is coached by Bobby Woodard and Russell Estlack. Courtesy Photo
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