Donley County voters will go back to the polls beginning Monday, May 16, when early voting starts in Republican and Democratic primary runoffs and for a re-vote in the Precinct 4 Republican commissioner’s race.
In addition to state runoffs, local Republican voters in Precincts 1&2 will decide who will be their party’s candidate for Justice of the Peace – Sarah Hatley or Connie Lane. Whichever candidate wins, they will face no opposition in the November General Election.
Precinct 4 Republicans will also be getting a “do over” of the March Primary in their county commissioner’s race. Challenger Brad Dalton originally beat incumbent Dan Sawyer by one vote but discrepancies with some voter registrations following the new precinct lines drawn after the 2020 census cast doubt on the accuracy of the vote. Sawyer sued Dalton over the election, but Dalton agreed that the inconsistencies were sufficient to warrant a new vote, which was then ordered by the District Court.
Early voting will be held for all races held Monday – Friday, May 16-20, 2022, at the Courthouse Annex between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
Election Day will be Tuesday, May 24, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. with Republicans voting in the Courthouse and Democrats voting in the Courthouse Annex.
Applications for mail-in ballots must be received by May 13.
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