Dry conditions are activating emergency measures to assist local agricultural producers.
The Donley County Farm Service Agency announced Monday the approval of emergency haying and grazing of Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) acreage in Texas.
“Texas continues to experience severe drought conditions and a severe shortage of forage,” said Ferguson. “The authorization of emergency CRP haying and grazing will provide forage for livestock and help producers in areas most severely impacted by these drought conditions reducing the potential need to liquidate herds.”
Emergency haying of CRP is authorized until May 1, 2006 and emergency grazing is authorized until June 1, 2006. Producers must file a request to hay or graze CRP acreage and visit the Natural Resources Conservation Service to obtain a modified conservation plan prior to haying or grazing the acreage.
“CRP annual rental payments will be reduced 25 percent times the number of acres actually hayed or grazed times the per acre annual rental payment,” said Ferguson. Other restrictions and limitations also apply.
CRP participants who do not own or lease livestock may rent or lease the haying and grazing privilege to an eligible livestock producer located in an approved county.
“In light of recent weather patterns, it is imperative that USDA offer the Emergency CRP haying and grazing program to Texas producers. Availability of forage is literally a matter of survival in the unpredictable and often unforgiving agriculture industry,” said Ferguson.
CRP offers annual rental payments and cost-share assistance to establish long-term, resource-conserving cover on eligible land. USDA will monitor producers to ensure the land is hayed or grazed without damaging conservation covers.
USDA offers additional programs to assist drought-stricken producers, including emergency farm loans, the emergency conservation program and the noninsured crop disaster assistance program. For more information and eligibility requirements, producers should contact the local FSA office at 806-874-3561 or visit FSA’s website at: http://www.fsa.usda.gov.
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