1-pair scissors (Fiskars)
1-box of 8 large primary colored crayons
1-box of 10 primary color, washable markers
4-glue sticks
1-Elmer’s school glue, small
1-plastic box for supplies
1-spiral notebook
1-plastic folder
1-box of Kleenex
1-watercolor set, primary colors
1-small backpack, no rollers
1-container of wet wipes
1-bottle of hand sanitizer
1- box Ziploc bags (Boys-gallon, girls-quart)
1-complete change of clothing including socks & underwear
All supplies with student’s name labeled on them.
1-large cloth zippered pouch (no boxes)
1-box of 8 crayons (basic colors, standard size)
1-pair scissors (Fiskars brand)
2-Elmer’s school glue white only
1-box of #2 standard pencils (yellow, sharpened)
1-box of 8 large markers (broad line, classic colors)
2-spiral notebooks
4-plastic two-pocket folders
1-box of zip-lock bags (boys – gallon, girls – quart)
1-4 pk black dry erase markers
1-pull-top water bottle
1-water color set
1-large towel for resting (no mats please)
10-glue sticks
1 large box of tissue
2 wide-ruled composition books
$1.50 for AR folder
2-large box tissues
12-six-sided #2 pencils (yellow)
1-box of 24 crayons
10-glue sticks
2-Elmer’s school glue
1-pkgs dry erase markers, 4 colors / pkg
1-watercolor set
1-box of 8 washable markers (classic/basic colors)
5-folders with pockets
1-school box
2-spiral notebooks (70-80 page, 10 1/2” x 8”)
1-pair scissors (Fiskars for kids)
1-paint shirt
1-water bottle (pull-top)
1-box Ziploc bags (quart or gallon)
1-ruler with inch and centimeter markings
$1.50 for AR folder
Please write student’s name on all supplies
12-#2 pencils
1-box colored pencils
1-set of watercolors
2-pink erasers
2-Elmer’s glue (white only)
4-glue sticks
1-box crayons (24 ct.)
1-pair scissors (Fiskars kids)
1-school box (small only, large won’t fit in desk)
3-boxes tissue
3-folders with pockets (no brads, plain and inexpensive)
3-spiral notebooks – single subject
1-box markers (broadline, primary colors)
1-box quart or gallon Ziplock bags
1-Expo markers (4-pack)
1-Anti-bacterial wipes
$1.50 for AR folder
Please put child’s name on each item
1- box of 12 map pencils
24- #2 pencils, Ticonderoga brand
1- pink eraser
1-pkg. notebook paper wide ruled
4-folders with pockets
2-box Crayola brand crayons
1-box dry erase markers
1-pair Fiskar brand pointed school scissors
3-boxes tissue (large)
6-glue sticks
2-zippered pencil pouches
3-composition books
1-box of zip-lock bags (boys – gallon, girls – quart)
$1.50 for AR folder
Please put child’s name on each item
1-three-ring binder, no larger than 2”
1-pkg. loose leaf notebook paper
4-folders with pockets & holes for inserting in binder
1-spiral notebook
8-#2 pencils (no mechanical)
1-pair scissors (Fiskars kids)
1-Elmer’s school glue
1-large glue stick
1-box crayons
1-12” wooden ruler with metric markings
2-red pencils
1-pencil bag with zipper & holes for inserting in binder
2-boxes of tissue
1-box markers
1-box colored pencils
1-standard protractor
$1.50 for AR folder
3-pkg. loose leaf notebook paper
20-#2 pencils
1- box of 12 map pencils
6-highlighters, multicolored
1-pair medium size scissors
12-glue sticks, large
1-12” ruler
3-boxes of tissue
1-box colored markers
2-spiral notebooks
1-folders with pockets and fasteners
3-100 sheet/200 page wide ruled composition books
1- 1” binder (no big binders please)
1-pkg pocket dividers
1-pkg of 4 Expo dry erase markers
$1.50 for AR folder
1-composition book
1-pkg Colored Pencils
2-pkgs of pencils
4-different colored highlighters
1-box of Expo markers
1-white poster board
1-2” 3 ring binder
2-pkg Notebook paper (wide ruled)
1-pkg of 8 dividers
1-pkg red pens
1-pkg black pens
1-box of zip-lock bags (boys – sandwich, girls – quart)
1-3 ring binder
1-pkg 3/5 white ruled index cards
70-page spiral
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