Filing is now open for seven local governments that are scheduled to hold elections this spring.
The cities of Clarendon, Hedley, and Howardwick; the Clarendon and Hedley school district; the Clarendon College District; and the Donley County Hospital District all have a total of 22 board positions available this year.
In Clarendon, the two-year terms of Aldermen Beverly Burrow, John Lockhard, and Larry Jeffers are up.
Hedley has four aldermen seats and the mayor’s position up this year. The full two-year terms of Mayor Carrie Butler and Alderman Johnny Hoggatt as well as one vacant alderman’s seat are up. Also, Hedley has two one-year unexpired aldermen terms up this season, and those positions are currently held by Lynn Kelsey and Willy Lewis.
Howardwick has three two-year alderman terms up for election this year. Those seats are held by Mac Miller, Robert Brewster, and Doc Holladay.
Clarendon ISD Trustees serve three years, and the terms of Wayne Hardin and Wes Hatley are expiring this year.
Hedley ISD has two full three-year terms up this year. Those seats are held by Dana Bell and Carole Ward.
Three six-year terms are up on the Clarendon College Board of Regents, and those positions are currently held by Edwin Campbell, Doug Lowe, and Jerry Woodard
The Donley County Hospital District Board of Directors has four two-year terms up this year. Those are currently held by Jan Farris – Place 4, Nikki Adams – Place 5, Mark C. White – Place 6, and Lori Howard – Place 7.
All local boards are elected at-large, but hospital board candidates must file for a specific place on the ballot.
Filing began Wednesday, January 17, and runs through Friday, February 16. Elections are scheduled to be held Saturday, May 5, 2018.
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