Clarendon city officials are optimistic about the chances of acquiring two big grants after preliminary scoring was released by the state.
City Administrator David Dockery said Clarendon is in the top 12 applicants for a Downtown Revitalization Grant and in the top five for a Community Development Block Grant, according to the Texas Department of Agriculture.
The preliminary scoring does not guarantee the grants will be awarded, but it does mean the city is still in the running for the fund as the application process continues to move forward.
“I feel very good about it at this point,” Dockery said.
If awarded, the downtown grant would improve sidewalks, accessibility, and lighting on Kearney Street, and the CDBG grant would replace some aging wastewater lines in the city.
The city is also pursuing securing funds available through the American Recovery Act, which could be used for water or wastewater infrastructure or broadband infrastructure.
In other city business, the city council met July 8 in regular session to consider several agenda items at its regular meeting.
Aldermen approved closing a portion of Gorst and Fourth streets for “That Senior Thang” on August 21.
The council also approved a job description for the assistant public works director and approved Jason Bingham to fill that position.
A request from the JRCA was approved for a one-day aquatics center pass for its rodeo participants.
At a called meeting on Monday night, the council also approved a request to vacate several platted but undeveloped streets on property owned by Jack Moreman.
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