Candidates continue to step forward for the 21 local offices up for election this spring, but some local governments have had no interest shown in their boards.
Chrisi Tucek has joined Kyle Davis as new candidates for seats on the Clarendon CISD Board of Trustees. Two positions are up for election on that board this year with Reneé Mott and Weldon Sears being the incumbents though neither have filed yet.
In Clarendon, the two-year terms of Aldermen John Lockhart, Larry Jeffers, and Eulaine McIntosh are up this year. Jeffers has filed for re-election.
In Howardwick the terms of Aldermen Mary Grady, Johnny Hubbard, and Marietta Baird are expiring. Those are all two-year terms. Jeremy Kindle has signed up for alderman.
The Donley County Hospital District Board of Directors has four two-year terms up this year. Those are currently held by Jan Farris – Place 4, Nikki Adams – Place 5, Mark C. White – Place 6, and Lori Howard – Place 7; and all of those incumbents are running again.
Hedley ISD has three full three-year terms up this year. Those seats are held by Troy Monroe, Cindy Lambert, and Susan Cosby. Lambert and Monroe have filed for re-election.
The City of Hedley and Clarendon College had no candidates filed as of Tuesday.
Hedley has two aldermen’s seats and the mayor’s position up this year. Those are two-year terms and are currently held by Mayor Carrie Butler and Aldermen Dustin Shatswell and Danny Russell.
Three positions are up this year on the Clarendon College Board of Regents, which serve for six years. Darlene Spier and Carey Wann hold two of those seats, and the third is currently vacant.
Filing continues through Friday, February 14. All local boards are elected at-large, but hospital board candidates must file for a specific place on the ballot. Candidate applications are available from the administrative offices of each entity. Elections are scheduled to be held Saturday, May 2, 2020.
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