After 15 years, Dr. Richard Sheppard will end his local dentistry practice in Clarendon on October 28.
Sheppard, who opened his office here in 2004, will continue to keep his Booker office open, and Drs. Ed Vlosich and Spence Vlosich will open a new practice – Clarendon Dental Associates.
“I’ll be 70 in December, so I’m having to adjust to the realities of the calendar,” Sheppard said.
Sheppard says he’s enjoyed his time in Clarendon and particularly enjoyed the people he has gotten to work with.
“It’s been wonderful,” he said. “I’ve made some really long-lasting relationships.”
Sheppard told the Enterprise 15 years ago that building relationships with patients would be the key to a successful practice, and he now says he was right about that.
Sheppard also proudly points out that Jana White and Tiffanie Word have both been with his office since he started.
“I love them both,” he says.
Sheppard is grateful to have gotten to know Ed Vlosich and says he and his family will be improving the services offered here.
“He will upgrade some technology,” Sheppard said. “They also plan to be open two days a week here and patients can go to their Amarillo office for pain relief on other days, which something I could never offer.”
Sheppard will still be in Clarendon on the first Fridays of each month to finish some orthodontic cases.
“We won’t rush those cases,” he said.
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