Clarendon CISD will begin construction on $174,000 worth of security improvements next month.
School trustees approved the budget for the project at their November 12 meeting, and Superintendent Mike Norrell said work should be completed in January.
“We signed the sub-contracts last Monday, and I expect a lot of the work to be done during the holidays,” Norrell said.
The visible change from the outside will be a brick vestibule added to the south entrance of the high school building, which will involve enclosing part of the covered walkway that is already there.
Inside the facilities, vestibules will be added to the junior and elementary main entrances by installing a new set of doors in the halls by those campus offices. Norrell said windows into those vestibules will be added or modified to allow school personnel to check-in visitors.
“The physical improvements are just the most visible,” Norrell said, noting that the school’s top priorities will be to address students’ needs and build better relationships with students.
Another improvement approved by trustees on November 12 is the purchase of Raptor Technology to help screen guests visiting the school. Visitors will swipe their driver’s license or other government issued identification, and the system will issue them a guest pass. The system will also be able to see if the visitor has any restrictions that might prevent them from being able to enter the school or require them to be supervised during their visit.
Norrell also said the school intends to also continue developing training for faculty and staff to enhance security further.
In other school business November 12, trustees voted in favor of approving the notice to the Clarendon CISD SHAC Committee concerning the summer nutrition program; approved the amended stipend schedule; and also acknowledged the resignation of Fran Stidham.
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