Warm and sunny weather greeted patriots Monday morning as they gathered to pay their respects to those who gave their lives in the service to America.
A large first gathered at Rowe Cemetery near Hedley for a service hosted by the Adamson-Lane Post of the American Legion.
Members of the post conducted the ceremony, and Josh Talley performed a beautiful rendition of the national anthem.
County Judge John Howard, MD, was the keynote speaker for the morning. His remarks focused on the true meaning of Memorial, remembering those who give their lives in service, and included specific examples of American heroes from World War I, the Vietnam War, and four servicemen who died in a training exercise earlier this year.
Post member J.D. Skaggs was presented a special recognition for having served the American Legion for 60 years.
The Rowe service concluded in the traditional way with the roll call of 236 former service men and women buried in that location followed by the presentation of a memorial wreath and the playing of Taps.
Services then moved to the War Memorial in Clarendon where another large crowd enjoyed a program hosted by the Donley County Memorial VFW Post and VFW Auxiliary with the members of each of those organizations participating along with members of the Legion.
Cathy Marable sang the National Anthem along with two other patriotic songs, and the keynote address was delivered by Dick Bode, a native of Holland and a survivor of a Nazi concentration camp, who spoke on the price of freedom and what it means to be an American by choice.
Following the Clarendon ceremony, a free meal was served at the local VFW Hall.
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