Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the holiday season and appropriately is a time to pause and reflect on all the blessings that God has given us.
Sometimes it’s hard to see the good for the bad. I know it was that way last year for me after the loss of my mother. A deep loss like that can easily cloud your vision to the good things around you. But time heals our wounds, and faith strengthens us as the days go by.
So while last year I may have been hard pressed to come up with a list of things to be grateful for, this year is easier.
I’m thankful for my brother’s friendship. He has been there with me and for me throughout most of my life. He knows me better than most anyone, and we have shared many of the same trials. But we have also shared the good times, and still today we find ways to laugh at all manner of things.
Rocking my little girl is a blessing that I am realizing will not last forever. The day will come when she will be too old for Daddy to rock her to sleep. But for now, I acquiesce almost every time she asks because I need to rock her almost as bad as she needs me to rock her.
Reading to my little boy is an almost nightly thing I am thankful for. Sure we read many the same stories night after night. I can probably recite Officer Buckle & Gloria from memory. But he has pretty good taste in books, and I enjoy his inquisitiveness as he tries to figure out every aspect of every story.
My kids’ imaginations are a constant blessing in our family. Last night Ben put on his Lightning McQueen pajamas, then strapped on his belt and handcuffs, pinned on his sheriff’s badge, donned his cowboy hat, and mounted his stick horse. What a great way to end the evening! Ella often suddenly appears decked out in all sorts of “princess” wear… and sometimes she likes to dress up as the sheriff’s deputy.
My wife’s faith, love, and companionship I am constantly grateful for. I am not sure how I would have made it through the last four years without her. She can brighten my day and make me smile in the worst of the times. And the best of times… well, they are just that… the best of times. Thank you, Ashlee.
I’m glad that I have a job I love. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t stress me out from time to time, but for the most part I enjoy going to work. It’s nice to be active in the community and to have a job where we can try to make a difference in the lives of our neighbors.
I appreciate having roof over my head, clothes on my back, and food in the pantry.
I’m lucky to have in-laws who have taken me in as their own. This happened I think before I got married, but it has become more evident since my parents passed away. I don’t get “son-in-law” cards on my birthday, for example. I get “son” cards. It seems like a simple thing, but it makes missing my own Mom and Dad a little easier on special occasions.
Speaking of Mom and Dad, I am thankful for my parents’ legacies. It’s nice when someone says, “I miss your Dad,” or “Your Dad did such and such for me,” or “Your Mom was a huge influence in the life of me (or my son or daughter),” or “Clarendon schools aren’t the same without your Mom.” They are still alive and with us in so many ways, and I am eternally grateful for that.
Quiet time to reflect on life’s blessings is another thing I am thankful for. When the kids are asleep or when I’m driving and I can just think about all the good things in life, it becomes obvious that God has blessed me and my family immensely.
I’m also thankful for simple things – Blue Bell ice cream, Clint & Sons beef jerky, Shiner Blonde (which isn’t as well known as Shiner Bock but is very, very good), Beringer’s White Zinfindel for all the special occasions, and good Scotch.
And on the topic of dining, I’m thankful for the dishes my mother taught me to cook because it brings her to life again every time I prepare one of her specialties. And I’m also grateful for all the good stuff my wife cooks (which is everything she cooks) because I love it and I know my kids will remember those home cooked meals in the future.
I am grateful for my community and my church and all the warm friendships that make living here such a joy. I cannot think of another place that I would want to raise my kids than Clarendon, Donley County, Texas, where you go to the bank or the grocery store and people speak to Ben and Ella by name.
And last but not least, I’m thankful for butterflies because something about them reminds me of Mom and I always think of her when I see one.
Yes, God has blessed me in many ways. And I am sure, if you take the time to write it down, you will find that he has blessed your life also.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.
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