Watch Out!

Missing boy shows up at sheriff’s office
A three-year-old boy who was the subject of a nationwide Amber Alert showed up at the Donley County Sheriff’s Office Sunday evening.
According to a deputy’s report, the boy’s father, Rommel Rodriguez, and several family members were on their way to see family in Denton, Texas, when they learned the boy was being reported missing on an Amber Alert. Rodriguez contacted the Fullerton, Calif., Police Department and was instructed to check in at the nearest police station.
Donley County Deputy James O’Malley contacted the Fullerton authorities and was instructed to take the boy into custody until his mother could make arrangements to pick him up. Fullerton police also directed that no charges be filed on Mr. Rodriguez since he was cooperating with authorities.
Child Protective Services later took custody of the boy.
The Associated Press reported this week that Rodriguez’s mother told Fullerton police that the father had arrived at a church carnival Saturday and fled with the boy after the parents argued.
Fire Awards

Dad had it easier back in the 70s
By Roger Estlack
I’m glad I grew up in the 1970s. Sure America was getting infected with a bunch of liberal nonsense, but most people still had some common sense, particularly when it came to raising kids. Today it seems, America is so committed to reducing risks to the children that it’s becoming ridiculous.
Several months ago, I sat with my wife’s family in a hospital waiting room – a place that I had grown to hate last year – re-living some painful memories from last fall. So I was already in a bad mood when I looked at the back of the Corn Nuts package I was snacking on and noticed a warning label. “Do not give product to children under 6.”
That nearly pushed me over the edge as I let slip a couple of profanities and asked to no one in particular, “Are you kidding me??”
Corn Nuts it seems are a choking hazard, and it is therefore necessary to keep them out of the hands of children.
I have been eating Corn Nuts for as long as I can remember. They go quite nicely with a can of beer (which, by the way, is not available in hospital vending machines but maybe should be). My Dad always shared his Corn Nuts with me. I never once choked. If your five-year-old is too stupid to chew up his Corn Nuts, then that’s your problem, not mine and certainly not the makers of Corn Nuts.
A few days later, I read about a report from the American Academy of Pediatrics calling for a warning label on hot dogs because children ages three and under can choke on them. The report called on parents to cut up their kids’ food to morsels the size of peas, and one nut job actually wanted the food industry to redesign the hot dog so it won’t hurt kids.
I come from the school of thought that once my kids have some teeth, they can start chewing their food. I wouldn’t give a hot dog wiener to a six-month-old. But my two-year-old can handle one just fine.
But again, I often look at things through the prism of growing up in the 1970s, and I think it’s sad that if my Mom and Dad were raising kids today, they would probably be locked up for child endangerment.
Last week, a photo made its way around the Internet after a kid – who looked to be about three or four – was spotted drinking from a beer bottle at a Philadelphia Phillies game. What kind of parent would let their kid do that? Well, mine would. I have a picture of me as a little kid holding a can of Schlitz. It was empty, but there was probably a drop or two left, and I got them. It didn’t make my Dad a bad person or make me an alcoholic.
From the picture last week, no one can really tell if there was anything in the bottle. I don’t really care if there was. If the boy’s dad thought it was okay to have a sip, that’s fine. If he gave him a whole bottle of beer or let him chug as much as he wanted, well that’s different. But generally people just need to mind their own business or at least not jump to baseless conclusions.
But again, I grew up in a different time. My Dad’s grandfather gave him a Pabst Blue Ribbon bottle when he was two. I guess that messed him up for life because he let me do a lot of crazy things like eat Corn Nuts and ride in the back of pickup trucks – frequently on the tailgate and several times on the sidestep. He also was so irresponsible that he let me ride in the car with no seatbelt and certainly no car seat, ride my bike with no helmet, and shoot all kinds of things in the backyard with a pellet gun.
I threw one tantrum as a toddler when I was two. Dad put me in the shower, turned the cold water on, and held the door shut. Problem solved. I never did it again. In later years, strict discipline – the rare times he needed to use it – was in the form of a belt applied to my rear. Time out was not an option.
I also had chores from an early age, and by the time I was 12, Dad had put me to work. Construction workers on one job referred to me as the “midget electrician.”
Father’s Day is coming up, and I often reflect on how I’m doing things with my kids compared to how Dad did it. Things are different to say the least. Where my brother and I had a whole play area in the back of the station wagon going to New Mexico, my kids are belted in like Chuck Yeager or John Glenn and must rely on headphones and DVD players to keeping them from screaming while being restrained for four hours on the way to Albuquerque. Sure I want them safe, but I know I wouldn’t like being in their seats.
Some people today may think it was terrible how I was raised, but I think I turned out just fine. I’ve got a steady job, my bills are paid, and I’m not mooching off of the government. Working as a team with my wife – like Dad did with Mom – my kids are well cared for, our house is taken care of, and we do our best to balance work and play. All of these 20th century values may be out of fashion today, but I hope the best of them get engrained in my kids.
Yes, things have changed a lot since the 1970s. Maybe there were more risks back then, but people were not so uptight and life seemed a whole lot simpler.
Sid Muse
Sid Muse, age 77, died Tuesday, May 25, at his residence of Grove, Oklahoma.
Sid was born on January 4, 1933, to Lee and Lela (Jarvis) Muse in Clarendon. He graduated from West Texas State University. Sid married Laverne Fowler on August 15, 1953, in Floydada. Sid worked in agricultural sales for Phillips Petroleum, Grace Chemical and retired from The Andersons in Maumee, Ohio. He was a Rotarian, a founding member of Get America Back, and was a member of the Grace Presbyterian Church. He enjoyed hunting, fishing, boating, woodworking, and building model planes. Sid also taught his grandchildren how to water ski.
He is survived by wife, Laverne, of the home; daughter Sidney Morgan of Miami, Oklahoma; son J. Muse and his wife Barbara of Windsor, Colorado; two granddaughters Katie Morgan Beitz and her husband Adam of Stillwater, Oklahoma, and Kelly Clark of Parker, Colorado; one sister Cora Lee Heckman and her husband Lowell of Pampa; and many friends. Sid and Laverne were foster parents for several children for several years.
His parents and a sister who died in infancy preceded Sid in death.
A Celebration of Life services were held at 11 a.m. at the Grace Presbyterian Church of Grove on Friday, May 28 with Reverend Teri Summers-Minette officiating.
Memorial donations can be made in Sid’s name to the Grace Presbyterian Church of Grove. Friends and family may leave online condolences by viewing Sid’s obituary at
Also, memorial donations can be made in Sid’s name to Clarendon College Peak Scholarship Fund, P.O. Box 968, Clarendon, TX, 79226.
Services were under the direction of Worley-Luginbuel Funeral Home of Grove.
City conducting survey for grant
The Panhandle Regional Planning Commission and the City of Clarendon will be conducting a door-to-door survey in the early evening hours this week as part of the city’s application for a Community Development Block Grant.
Interim City Administrator Phyllis Jeffers says the grant, if it is approved, will replacing an aging main sewer line and also replace a sewer lift station. The project would not take place until 2011-2012.
The Community Development Block Grant program is intended to serve primarily low to moderate income families in rural communities. This survey must be conducted in order to attain the information necessary to describe the population who would benefit from the City’s proposed water system improvement project.
Questions to be asked on the survey include: the number of persons living in unit, the number of families living in unit; and income levels. Citizens do not need to identify themselves by name on the form. Only the address is required. Representatives of PRPC will compile the results of the survey.
If you have any questions about this upcoming survey, please call City Hall at (806) 874-3438.

Aldermen okay fund requests
The Clarendon Board of Aldermen met in regular session June 10 with a full agenda, including three requests for funds from the city’s Motel Bed Tax.
Aldermen first considered a request to renew a contract with Galaxy Outdoor Advertising for a billboard just outside Amarillo where US 287 and I-40 split. The three-year contract proposal was for $275 per month, and the board approved the renewal.
Theresa Shelton addressed the board on behalf of the Clarendon Outdoor Entertainment Association and requested funds to promote the 133rd annual Saints’ Roost Celebration. Aldermen approved $3,500 for this event.
Betty Ann Sansing also spoke to the board and requested support for the Les Beaux Arts Festival this October. A motion to give $5,000 to this event died for a lack of a second. Another motion to donate $3,500 to the festival was approved.
The board elected Alderman Larry Hicks as the city’s mayor pro-tem and voted to offer the municipal judge’s position to Trina Wright.
Aldermen also considered a request by Rick Woodrome for a livestock permit on his property. The board asked for verification of the space requirements being met prior to approval of the permit.
A discussion was held on the recruiting of a new city administrator. A future meeting will discuss the qualification and qualities the city wants in a new administrator.
Interim Administrator Phyllis Jeffers updated the board on the street project. Nathan Jaramillo is heading up repairs and is doing streets one at a time systematically. He is being assisted by Brad Hagood, Lee Tolbert, and Jesus Hernandez. Jeffers said the crew filled 218 potholes in two weeks and that Third Street alone took nearly 60 tons of asphalt. Jaramillo is also making downtown clean up a priority leading up to the Saints’ Roost Celebration.
The board also met in called session on Monday night to consider and approve a request for $750 from the Tourism Committee to promote a Summer Celebration on July 22.
Stay all night. Stay a little longer.

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