The University Interscholastic League today postponed all athletic and academic competitions until May 11 because of the swine flu outbreak.
On the recommendation of Dr. David Lakey, Commissioner of the Texas Department of State Health Services, and in consultation with Texas Education Agency Commissioner Robert Scott, the UIL altered all schedules.
“The health and safety of our student activity participants is of the utmost importance,” said UIL Executive Director Dr. Charles Breithaupt. “Taking every possible precaution to prevent the further spreading of this disease is an important contribution to the welfare of our great state, and altering the schedule of our events is a way to keep our participants safe.”
As this is a fluid situation, the UIL tentatively releases the following schedule for UIL regional and state events affected by this situation.
Academic State Meet
The UIL Academic State Meet, originally scheduled for May 7-9, will be rescheduled at a later date. The Conference 4A and 5A One-Act Play competition will continue as previously scheduled on May 15-16. All other conferences competing in One-Act Play will be rescheduled. A schedule of the Academic State Meet, including One-Act Play, will be posted on the UIL web site once finalized.
Baseball and Softball
No interschool games will take place until May 11 for either softball or baseball. The schedule will then be as follows
Bi District Deadline, May 16 (1 game or 2 out of 3), May 23 (1 game or 2 out of 3); Area Deadline, May 19 (1 game only), May 26 (1 game only); Regional Quarterfinal Deadline, May 23 (1 game or 2 out of 3), May 30 (1 game or 2 out of 3); Regional Semifinal Deadline, May 26 (1 game only), June 2 (1 game only); Regional Final Deadline May 30 (1 game or 2 out of 3), June 6 (1 game or 2 out of 3); State Tournament, June 4-6, June 10-13
Texas State Wind Ensemble Festival
The Texas State Wind Ensemble Festival, originally scheduled for May 9, has been cancelled. The UIL staff will consult with the 16 participating schools to determine whether or not to reschedule the event at a later date.
Regional Track Meets
All UIL regional track meets originally scheduled for this weekend, May 1-2, have been cancelled. The state track and field meet will be extended to a three-day format to include semifinal heats. The meet is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 14-16.
Semifinal qualifiers will be based on the district track meet results. Each region will be represented at the state meet by the top four performances in each event for all conferences. Hand-held times will be converted to fully automatic times as defined by the National Federation of State High School Association rules. A revised track and field state meet schedule will be posted on the UIL web site no later than Friday, May 1. Qualifiers to the UIL state track and field meet will be posted on the UIL web site on Wednesday, May 6.
Golf State Tournament
The UIL golf state tournament will take place at the previously scheduled times beginning May 11.
Tennis State Tournament
The UIL tennis state tournament will take place at the previously scheduled times beginning May 11.
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