The tradition continues this week as Clarendon welcomes visitors for its 131st annual Saints’ Roost Celebration to be held July 2-5.
A ten-team junior rodeo will kick things off this year for kids 16 and under on Wednesday, July 2, at the COEA Arena. The event will begin at 7:30 p.m. A dance will follow on the COEA slab.
A calf scramble, donkey ride, and calf ride will be held every night at the arena for young cowboys and cowgirls. Boy Scout Troop 433 will provide concessions for all four nights of rodeo activities.
Action begins ginning up downtown on Thursday, July 3, with the Merchants’ Western Days Street Sales all day and a Depression Lunch beginning at 11 a.m.
That night the fun continues at the rodeo arena at 7:30 with a 20-head bronc ride with a dance afterward.
A blood drive will also be held Friday at Stanley Chevrolet, and participants will receive a free American flag T-shirt. Hot dogs and drinks will also be available.
The biggest day of the celebration will be Friday, July 4, with the Country Craft Fair and Senior Citizens Bake Sale beginning at 10 a.m. on the Courthouse Square. For booth space at the Country Craft Fair, contact the Donley County Extension Office. The Old Settlers Reunion starts at 10:30, and the Al Morrah Shrine Club’s Annual BBQ begins at 11 a.m. and continues until the food runs out.
Registration for the kids’ parade and the Western parade will be held at the Chamber booth on the Square. Line up for the kids’ parade will be at 12:30 p.m. across from Henson’s, and the Western parade line up will begin at Sixth and Jefferson by the ballpark at 1 p.m.
The Kids’ Bicycle Parade begins at 1:30 p.m. followed by the annual Western Parade at 2 p.m. The Lions Club Cow Patty Bingo will follow the parade.
The annual COEA Ranch Rodeo will open at 7:30 Friday night with 20 teams competing and an outdoor dance to follow. The rodeo follows the same schedule Saturday night.
The July Fourth activities close out at midnight with the Fireworks Extravaganza at the north entrance to Greenbelt Lake. Donations of fireworks will be accepted at the Chamber booth on the Courthouse Square or at the permit booth at the entrance to the lake. Fireworks may be purchased until midnight on July 4 at any of your favorite local fireworks stands.
During the day Saturday, downtown merchants will have their sales going again; and concessions, wagon rides, and other games will be available downtown.
Henson’s famous annual Turtle Race will be held at 3 p.m. at Third and Kearney. Turtles can be registered for the race now. Henson’s is also accepting entries for its second annual Turtle Art Contest now through Thursday, July 3, and winners will be announced July 5.
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