Clarendon Mayor Mark White has been at the city’s helm for less than a year and is seeking his first full term in that position.
White grew up in Clarendon and graduated from Clarendon High School in 1981 before attending Clarendon College and West Texas State University. In 1983, he took a position with the family business, Wallace Monument Co.; and today, he and his sister are co-owners of the business.
City leaders picked White to fill a vacant position on the Board of Aldermen in 2001. He soon was tapped as the city’s Mayor Pro-tem and then succeeded Mayor Tex Selvidge when he stepped down last May. White visited with the Enterprise last week to discuss the accomplishments the city has made and the things he would like to see happen if he’s reelected.
ENTERPRISE: What would you say are the main accomplishments Clarendon has achieved since you joined the Board of Aldermen?
WHITE: I think the main accomplishment has been the street project. Another has been getting the [Best Western] hotel here.
ENTERPRISE: What good has come from the street project?
WHITE: The main benefits have been water control along with beautification of that part of town. Travelers don’t have to go down rub-boarded roads anymore. Another thing is dust control. You know, used to we would have to dust at home once a week, and now it’s not so bad. It was coming off those streets.
ENTERPRISE: A lot of people were against the street project. What would you say to them?
You have to keep up with the times if you’re going to grow and prosper. I think that was a step toward beautifying the town. It cost a lot of money, but I feel like it was money well spent.
ENTERPRISE: Maintenance of the streets is always an issue. What can be done in that area?
WHITE: We are trying to find a street sweeper that we can afford, and our summer help will be shoveling and sweeping rocks and dirt out of the gutters. We hope to seal coat a certain number of streets every year on a five-year rotation, and that work will go to bid this August.
ENTERPRISE: The personal property tax has been the subject of a lot of debate lately. What are your personal thoughts about that issue?
WHITE: I don’t like the personal property tax; but I feel like if we don’t have it, the ad valorem rate would have to go up. I think there needs to be a cap on taxing vehicles. Anything over 10 years doesn’t need to be taxed.
ENTERPRISE: So is that something you would push for if you are re-elected?
WHITE: Sure.
ENTERPRISE: In the last few years, there has been some discussion at City Hall about publishing the list of who owes delinquent taxes. What are your feelings on this?
WHITE: I think the Donley Appraisal District has done a lot better job recently of collecting delinquent taxes; and if a list is going to be published, it ought to be up to the appraisal district.
ENTERPRISE: What are your goals if you’re re-elected?
WHITE: I want to see the downtown area beautified with new sidewalks and ADA ramps. We’ve got a grant to install a water pressure system in the west side of town. The pressure in that area is extremely low and could be a potential health issue, and I want to see that project finished. Also, our water tower is deteriorating and needs to be replaced.
ENTERPRISE: What’s wrong with the water tower?
WHITE: It was built in the 1920s, and we’ve had to weld up some places where it’s seeping. We’ve applied for a grant to replace it and should know something in the near future.
ENTERPRISE: Any other goals?
WHITE: I just want to see Clarendon continue to grow and thrive. We have a lot going for a town our size, and I want to see it continue to be that way. We’ve applied for a parks grant to get some new picnic tables and playground equipment – merry-go-rounds and swings – for the park. It would also plant wildflowers in the terraces at the park.
ENTERPRISE: As you look into the future at Clarendon 10 or 15 years down the road, what do you see?
WHITE: I hope it’s a lot cleaner and nicer. Hopefully, we’ll have more paved streets, more sidewalks, and maybe another new hotel to bring more people to town. I’d also like to have an activity center for our youth.
ENTERPRISE: What would be your final message to the voters?
WHITE: I would just encourage them to use their vote. I’d appreciate their support, and I will do the best I can to serve the taxpayers.
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