The Greenbelt Holiday Classic got a boost when the Board of Aldermen of the City of Clarendon met in a regular meeting November 14, 2006, at 7 p.m. in the Board Room of City Hall.
Cindy Shelton and Kim Fowler spoke to the board concerning the Greenbelt Holiday Classic to be held on December 14, 15, and 16, and asked for help with advertising the tournament.
The board approved a motion by Alderman Tommy Hill, seconded by Alderman Chris Ford to give $1,500 of Motel Bed Tax to the tournament.
In other city business, the Donley County Appraisal District Contract was presented for approval.
Alderman Michael Tibbets made a motion not to approve the contract since the city has no voice concerning the district. Alderman Bobbie Kidd seconded. Motion failed. Alderman Janice Knorpp made a motion to approve the contract, seconded by Ford. Tibbets and Kidd voted no. Motion carried.
Mayor Mark White said he talked with Steve Hall, and he suggested putting up a billboard sign advertising Clarendon sixty to ninety miles west of town. He said Bobby Lee owns a sign just outside Amarillo toward Highway 287 and he would rent it to the city for $250 per month. He has a sign company and would do the canvass for $600. It was the consensus of the board to have Mr. Hall get the figures together and present to the board.
Jeannie Molder spoke to the board concerning the three grants she has been working on. The first grant is through the Toker Grant and would benefit the library by getting some things they need; and the city would be able to preserve all the minutes and ordinances and have them available online.
The second grant is for park equipment for the little children and some new equipment and picnic tables. The third grant is for a community storm shelter for Clarendon.
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