Services were held Sunday for one of the most influential figures to ever work at Clarendon College.
Jerry Hawkins died Tuesday, November 7, 2006, in Arlington at the age of 71. He had taught at CC for 35 years and was remembered Sunday for his love of education, his appreciation for a good prank, and, most of all, his devotion to his students.
The Clarendon College Harned Sisters Fine Arts Auditorium was filled to capacity for the 2 p.m. service, and overflow seating and a broadcast of the service were set up in the Bairfield Activity Center. Robertson Funeral Directors estimated more than 750 people attended the service.
Rev. Darrel Burton, Pastor of the Martin Baptist Church and Rev. Milton Gage, family member, officiated the service, and burial was in Citizens Cemetery. Arrangements were under the direction of Robertson Funeral Directors, Inc., of Clarendon.
“Jerry was always for his school and always sold on his job,” said Rev. Gage, a cousin of Mr. Hawkins, who recalled seeing Jerry’s strong character even as a young boy.
“If they told Jerry to do something, he did it. The rest of us would wait until the pitch went up two or three levels,” Gage said. “For Jerry, if you had something to do, do it, get it over with, and move on to something else.”
Most of the crowd assembled had known Mr. Hawkins as a friend and educator, and Rev. Gage recalled that Mr. Hawkins’ focus was always on the kids – their accomplishments and their education.
“Jerry said, ‘When I die, I don’t want a bunch of flowers around me,’” Gage recalled. “He said, ‘I want you to do something that will send some kids to college.’”
The service was also fittingly sprinkled with levity, especially from his former students, who among other memories recalled his driving habits on long judging trips, and more than one speaker stated simply, “The highways are safer now.”
Jerry Milo Hawkins, was born November 6, 1935, in Hobart, Okla., to Cecil (Spud) and Vera Wilkes Hawkins. He attended school in Higgins and graduated from Higgins High School in 1953. He married Glenda Borden on June 3, 1960, at Clarendon. Jerry received his Bachelor’s Degree in Animal Science from Texas Tech University in 1957 and his Master’s Degree in Agriculture Education from Texas Tech University in 1964. He had been a resident for Clarendon since 1968.
Mr. Hawkins had taught at many schools during his career as an agriculture teacher. He had taught at Clarendon, Groom, and Spearman High Schools and then taught at Clarendon College from 1968 to August 2003. He then worked at New Mexico State University as a recruiter for the College of Agriculture and Home Economics.
While at Clarendon College, Mr. Hawkins was the Chair of the Agriculture Department, coached the CC Livestock Judging Teams from 1974-2003, initiated the ranch portion of the Ranch & Feedlot Program, initiated the Horse and Meats Judging Program, was director of Area I FFA Leadership Camp which was the largest in Texas, was Coordinator of Clarendon College Invitational Judging Contest which draws 2,000 high school students from five states, was coordinator of Greenbelt and Top of Texas and Amarillo District FFA Leadership Events, was the coordinator of Area I Leadership Contest, judged livestock shows at five state fairs and in Chihuahua, Mexico, and was the recruiter for academic and vocational programs at Clarendon College.
Mr. Hawkins also coached many national championship judging teams while at Clarendon College, and the judgers came to be known as “Jerry’s Kids.”
Mr. Hawkins had many awards during his life as well. He received the State Farmer Award from the Texas FFA, was president of the Clarendon Lions Club from 1974-1975, president of the National Jr. College Livestock Coaches Association from 1983-1985, was named Outstanding Alumni Texas Tech Block and Bridle 1986-1987, received West Texas A&M University Round-Up Award in 1994, was Outstanding Clarendon College Employee 1996-1997, received the Texas Vocational-Agriculture Teachers Association Outstanding Service 40-year service award in 1997, was Clarendon College Employee of the Year in 1998, was the Panhandle District Friend of Extension in 2000, was the Clarendon Chamber of Commerce Man of the Year in 2000, was named Texas Tech Distinguished Animal Science Alumnus in 2001, was Friend of Texas Hereford Association in 2001, received the Texas FFA Blue & Gold Award in 2002, was selected as judge for Performance Simmental Shows in 2002, and was named New Mexico State FFA Honorary State FFA Member.
He was a member of the First Christian Church in Clarendon.
Mr. Hawkins was preceded in death by his parents.
Survivors include his wife, Glenda of Clarendon; two sons, Doug Hawkins and wife Daphne of Cleburne, Dean Hawkins and wife Jaye of Las Cruces, NM; one sister, Gwen Cochran of Oklahoma City, OK; one brother, Jack Hawkins of Cameron; and five grandchildren.
Pallbearers were Johnny Treichel, Tex Selvidge, Billy Jack Land, Darryl Perryman, Mark Runyan, Richard Hadley, Kelvin Sharp, and Larry Gray.
Honorary Bearers were Clarendon College Ex-Judgers, a.k.a. “Jerry’s Kids.”
The family requests memorials be made to the Jerry Hawkins Memorial Scholarship Fund, c/o Herring Bank, P.O. Box 947, Clarendon, Texas 79226, or Citizens Bank of Texico, NM.
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