Citizens wishing to serve on any one of seven local boards can sign up for a place on the ballot next Monday.
The City of Clarendon will hold an election to choose three aldermen for two-year terms. Those positions are currently held by Aldermen Tommy Hill, Janice Knorpp, and Mark White.
The City of Howardwick will elect three aldermen and choose a replacement for former Mayor Nancy Davis, who left her post last spring due to family commitments. The terms of Aldermen Bobby Murdock, Sam Grider, and Lee Ann Cook are up for election this year. These officers each serve two-year terms.
Hedley’s election will select a mayor and two members of the board of aldermen for two-year terms. Those seats are now held by Mayor Janie Hill and Aldermen Ricki Baker and Leon Ward.
Two positions on the Clarendon ISD Board of Trustees are up this year. Those seats are currently held by Joe Lemley and Wayne Hardin and are three-year terms.
Hedley ISD has three trustee positions open this year. The three-year terms of Cary Don Neeley and Troy Monroe are expiring, and voters will also fill Anthony Knowles’ unexpired term, which is currently held by Blane Burton.
The Clarendon College District will choose four members for the Board of Regents. Three full six-year terms expiring this year are currently held by Delbert Robertson, Mike Butts, and Doug Lowe. Voters will also select a replacement for Jimmy Blackerby, who moved out of the district and whose term expires in 2008.
The Donley County Hospital District will select four two year positions on its board, now held by Gene Hommel (Place 4), Carolyn Moffett (Place 5), Onita Thomas (Place 6), and Bright Newhouse (Place 7).
Local offices are elected at-large, but hospital board candidates must sign up for a specific place.
Sign up continues through March 13, 2005; and the elections will be held May 13.
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