The Clarendon Enterprise has launched a new digital version of the newspaper in celebration of its 127th anniversary this week.
Enterprise-D has every feature of the print edition and also introduces new benefits to readers, according to publisher Roger Estlack.
“The D stands for digital, and that brings new aspects to the experience of reading the Enterprise,” Estlack said. “Readers can search the entire text of each issue for names or topics at the push of a button, they can zoom in and read small type easily, and they can save each edition indefinitely without cluttering up their home or office with old copies of the paper.”
But the biggest benefit of Enterprise-D will likely be to out of county subscribers who will be able to get their hometown paper much sooner than before.
“We’ve got subscribers on the east and west coasts who report delays of three or four weeks in receiving the paper. Even in the Dallas area, a subscriber can sometimes wait five to ten days for their paper,” Estlack said. “With Enterprise-D a digital paper is delivered to their e-mail box the same day the print edition hits the press. There is no waiting.”
A 12-month subscription to Enterprise-D costs just $9.95, and readers can place their order online or over the telephone. To try out the paper, readers can purchase a single copy from the Enterprise’s Web site for just $1.
Print subscribers can add Enterprise-D to their subscriptions for just $5 and enjoy both versions of the paper.
“This digital concept is something we’ve discussed for about three years, but it has really been spurred on lately by the frustrations our subscribers have experienced with the US Postal Service,” Estlack said. “While we get great service from our local postal carriers, on a national scale, the USPS places newspapers on a low priority when it comes to delivery; and we don’t foresee that getting any better.”
Accompanying the introduction of Enterprise-D, are rate increases for all out-of-county subscriptions and the introduction of a new out-of-state subscription rate. Texas readers outside of Donley County will pay $30 for annual subscriptions. Continental US subscribers outside of Texas will pay $35.
“We don’t want to raise these rates, but the high cost of postage has forced our hand,” Estlack said. “We hope subscribers will at least try Enterprise-D and avoid paying more for the same old snail mail.”
The Clarendon Enterprise was established as The Clarendon News on June 1, 1878 and was the Texas Panhandle’s first newspaper. Enterprise-D is the first weekly newspaper in a digital format in the Panhandle.
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