Plans are continuing for the Greenbelt Holiday Classic Basketball Tournament December 29-31 hosted by the Greenbelt Water Authority and Clarendon Bronco Athletics.
It will include 16 boys’ teams and 16 girls’ teams. Both Bronco gyms and Clarendon College’s Bulldog Gym will be used for the three-day tournament.
Several sponsorship levels are available, and the money received from the sponsors will be used to offset the expenses of the tournament.
The Gold level of sponsorship is a $200 donation and will list your name as a Gold Level member with a full-page ad in the program. The Silver Level is a $100 donation and will list your name as a Silver Member and one half-page ad in the program.
The Bronze Level is a $50 donation and will list your name as a Bronze Member and will allow a one-quarter of a page ad in the program. Personal sponsorships are also being collected at $10 per person.
This tournament will make a great impact financially for our community as well as will be a great start to a long-lasting tradition at CHS. Tournament organizers urge you to consider becoming a sponsor at any level, and your support will be greatly appreciated.
For more information or to sign up as a sponsor, contact CISD Athletic Director Roger Hoeltzel at 874-2181.
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