Newhouse gets first bale of 2022

The Clarendon Enterprise - Spreading the word since 1878.
Donley County residents have several opportunities to honor America’s veterans this week.
Clarendon Elmentary School will hold its Veterans Day program at 2 p.m. on Thursday in the Bronco Gym. All veterans and the community are invited to honor those who have served the nation.
Clarendon College along with American Legion Adamson Lane Post 287 will have a Veterans Day program at 7:00 p.m. at the Clarendon College Harned Sisters Fine Arts Center on November 10, 2022.
The program will honor all those that have served in this nation’s military.
Prior to the program, Post members will place American Flags on the graves of 248 Veterans buried in the Rowe Cemetery in Hedley. The flags will be placed on the graves on Wednesday, November 9, 2022, at 9:00 a.m. and remain until Saturday morning.
This is in honor of departed veterans who have served in this country’s military.
On Friday, November 11, 2022, at 10:00 a.m., Hedley’s Adamson-Lane Post 287 of The American Legion will hold its annual Veterans Day service at the Rowe Cemetery. In case of inclement weather, the service will be moved to the Hedley Lions Den.
This program will be conducted by members of the American Legion and will include the raising of the colors, the National Anthem, Pledge to the Flag and the ceremony honoring the Missing in Action and Prisoners of War still unaccounted for.
The key address will be given by State District Judge Stuart Messer. The program will be concluded with the laying of the memorial wreath and the playing of taps.
Four people died in a two-vehicle accident west of Clarendon on US 287 last Friday morning, November 4.
According to Department of Public Safety Sgt. Cindy Barkley, a 2016 Ford Explorer driven by 25-year-old Andre Arango-Lopez of Spring, Texas, was eastbound going the wrong way in the westbound lane on US 287. Coming westbound on US 287, 42-year-old Abdul Mirzada of Tracy, Calif., was driving a 2012 Freightliner truck tractor semi-trailer when he observed the Explorer approaching.
Mirzada attempted to avoid the collision by veering left but was unsuccessful as both vehicles collided head-on in the inside lane.
Arango-Lopez, along with his three passengers – Fredy Mateo-Lopez, Uriel Lopez Y Lopez, Kenis Lopez-Martinez, all aged 19 and all of Guatemala – were pronounced deceased on scene by Armstrong County Justice of the Peace Jana Lemons.
Mirzada was not injured in the accident. Everyone involved were wearing their seatbelts.
Traffic was backed up on US 287 for several hours as the passing lanes were closed in both directions.
An Open Enrollment Event will be held this Thursday, November 10, at the Burton Memorial Library for those needing help signing up for health benefits.
The event will be open from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and is hosted by Panhandle Community Services.
Certified healthcare navigators will be on site to help uninsured individuals and their families get affordable health insurance coverage through the marketplace, Medicaid, and CHIP.
Premium tax credits are available to help pay monthly premiums.
For more information, call 806-342-6176.
Workforce Solutions Panhandle, The Texas Veterans Commission and The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) are hosting the eleventh annual Hiring Red, White & You! (HRWY) Job Fair on Thursday, November 10th from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Workforce Solutions Panhandle located at 3120 Eddy, Amarillo, TX 79106. Veterans are given priority of service, and will be able to attend throughout the event (10 a.m. – 2 p.m.), doors will open to the general public at noon.
In cooperation with the 28 Local Workforce Development Boards, the Texas Veterans Commission, the Texas Medical Center, and Governor Greg Abbott. The event connects Texas veterans and their spouses with Texas employers that value the experience, discipline, and other exceptional qualities inherent in a military background.
A total of 38 employers will attend the event, including Pantex, Texas Department of Transportation, Tyson Foods, International Aerospace Coatings, Cacique Foods, AAA Electric, and many more.
There are an estimated 1.4 million total veterans in Texas, of which 648,138 of them are working or actively seeking employment. By hosting HRWY job fairs across the state, Texas employers can more easily connect to this highly qualified group of servicemen and servicewomen.
Employers who hire veterans may be eligible for the Work Opportunity Tax Credit, which allows employers to receive up to $9,600 on federal business income or payroll tax benefits when they hire from certain qualified groups of veterans.
In the first ten years, HRWY has connected more than 114,778 job seekers to 20,131 employers, with over 3,198 same-day hires.
Information on how job seekers can participate in Hiring Red, White & You! Job Fair may be found at www.wspanhandle.com/event/red-white-you-job-fair/. For information on all veteran workforce services available in Texas, visit www.texasworkforce.org/veterans.
The holiday season is just around the corner! Plan ahead to protect family and friends from COVID at holiday gatherings by staying up to date on vaccines. In November, the City of Amarillo Public Health Department will host free COVID vaccine clinics at each of the Amarillo libraries.
The first and second doses, and the new booster, will be available. There is no charge, and everyone, age 6 months and older, is eligible for the COVID vaccine.
Library Vaccine Clinic Dates are as follows:
• 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on November 9 – East Branch Library, 2232 SE 27th Ave.
• 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on November 10 – Northwest Branch Library, 6100 SW 9th Ave.
• 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on November 12 – Southwest Branch Library, 6801 SW 45th Ave.
Medical experts predict an uptick in COVID cases as the weather turns colder and people gather indoors more often. Vaccines are the best protection against severe disease and death. Those who have received a COVID vaccine or booster more than two months ago are eligible for the new booster which provides additional protection from the original virus and the Omicron variant currently circulating.
In addition to the clinics at public library locations, vaccinations are available at the Amarillo Public Health Department and Public Health mobile vaccine clinics. Learn more.
For more tips for staying safe through the holidays and other vaccine locations, visit www.AmarilloAlerts.com.
The District Court heard five pleas when it met in Clarendon on Tuesday, November 2.
District Attorney Luke Inman, along with Assistant District Attorney Harley Caudle, prosecuted the cases for the State of Texas, with the Honorable Judge Stuart Messer presiding.
Bryant Joel Stewart, 31 from Memphis, was sentenced to five years in prison for the third-degree felony offense of tampering with physical evidence.
Stewart was arrested on January 23, 2022, by Memphis Police Officer DeWayne Griffin. Stewart was originally placed on two years’ probation on February 22, 2022, and the State filed a motion asking the Court to revoke Stewart’s probation on May 5, 2022.
Stewart was also ordered to pay the remaining $500 fine to Hall County and $295 in court cost.
James Alan Miller, 39 from Childress, was placed on ten years’ probation for the enhanced first-degree felony offense of possession of a controlled substance, methamphetamine. Miller was arrested by Childress Police Officer, LeRoy Rodriguez on January 19, 2022, and plead to an information filed by the State on June 28, 2022.
Miller was also ordered to pay a fine of $500 to Childress County, $340 in court costs, $180 restitution, and complete 400 hours of community service. If his probation is revoked, Miller faces up to 99 years in TDCJ.
Donald David Privitt, 33 from Hereford, was placed on seven years’ probation for the enhanced second-degree felony offense of assault family violence. Privitt was arrested by Hall County Sheriff’s Deputy Kristin Dwight on August 16 and was later indicted by a Hall County Grand Jury on October 6.
Privitt was also ordered to pay a fine of $500 to Hall County, $340 in court costs, and complete 300 hours of community service. If his probation is revoked, Privitt faces up to 20 years in TDCJ.
Eric Daniel Bennett, 30 from Beaumont, was placed on four years’ probation for the enhanced third-degree felony offense of burglary of a building. Bennett was arrested by Donley County Sheriff’s Deputy, Vincent Marasco on October 19, 2022, and plead to an information filed by the State on November 2, 2022.
Bennett was also ordered to pay a fine of $500 to Donley County, $340 in court costs, and complete 200 hours of community service. If his probation is revoked, Bennett faces up to 10 years in TDCJ.
Jose Luis Rangel, 53 from Lakeview, was placed on two years’ probation for the third-degree felony offense of stalking. Rangel was arrested by Memphis Police Officer David Yochum on June 25 and was later indicted by a Hall County Grand Jury on October 6.
Rangel was also ordered to pay a fine of $500 to Hall County, $340 in court costs, complete 200 hours of community service, and no contact with the victims. If his probation is revoked, Rangel faces up to 10 years in TDCJ.
Donley County voters will go to the polls next Tuesday, November 8, to cast ballots in this year’s general election.
The election is gaining a lot of interest with competitive races at the state level for governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, and other races down the ballot.
More than 400 people had already voted early in Donley County by noon this Tuesday.
Early voting by personal appearance will continue at the Donley County Courthouse Annex through this Friday, November 4.
Balloting on election day for most county voters will take place at the Donley County Courthouse. The only exceptions are Precinct 101 voting at the Courthouse Annex and Precinct 303, which will vote at the First Baptist Church in Hedley.
Polls will be open on election day from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
No local races are contested on this year’s ballot. For election results, watch Facebook.com/TheEnterprise and ClarendonLive.com
Donley County residents are set to honor America’s veterans next week in two public ceremonies.
Clarendon College along with American Legion Adamson Lane Post 287 will have a Veterans Day program at 7:00 p.m. at the Clarendon College Harned Sisters Fine Arts Center on November 10, 2022. The program will honor all those that have served in this nation’s military.
Prior to the program, Post members will place American Flags on the graves of 248 Veterans buried in the Rowe Cemetery in Hedley. The flags will be placed on the graves on Wednesday, November 9, 2022, at 9:00 a.m. and remain until Saturday morning.
This is in honor of departed veterans who have served in this country’s military.
On Friday, November 11, 2022, at 10:00 a.m., Hedley’s Adamson-Lane Post 287 of The American Legion will hold its annual Veterans Day service at the Rowe Cemetery. In case of inclement weather, the service will be moved to the Hedley Lions Den.
This program will be conducted by members of the American Legion and will include the raising of the colors, the National Anthem, Pledge to the Flag and the ceremony honoring the Missing in Action and Prisoners of War still unaccounted for.
The key address will be given by State District Judge Stuart Messer. The program will be concluded with the laying of the memorial wreath and the playing of taps.
The City of Clarendon will be seeking a qualified firm to expand broadband service here following a special meeting of the city council last Thursday, October 27.
Aldermen approved an agreement to have the Panhandle Regional Planning Commission draw up language for a Request For Qualifications (RFQ) that will be used to solicit potential Internet providers, according to City Administrator David Dockery.
The city hopes to entice a company to offer better and more reliable internet service to Clarendon businesses and residences and is willing to put up $160,000 in ARPA (COVID relief) money to help fund the rollout of improved service.
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