Roger Estlack of the Clarendon Lions Club was installed as the District Governor of District 2-T1 during the 104th annual convention of the International Association of Lions Clubs in Montreal, Canada, last Tuesday, June 28.

District 2-T1 covers 39 Lions Clubs in the top 26 counties of the Texas Panhandle and is one of 16 districts in the State of Texas.
The installation of district governors from all over the world was the culmination of the Lions international convention, which officially opened on June 24. International President Brian Sheehan of Bird Island, Wisconsin, was sworn-in first and then installed the several district governors.
Estlack was accompanied on the trip by his wife and partner in service, Lion Ashlee, and his children, Benjamin and Elaina.
Convention highlights included training for incoming governors as well as several workshops aimed at improving clubs and enhancing service to communities.
Estlack becomes the first Clarendon Lion to serve as district governor since former Clarendon News publisher Sam Braswell held the position in 1930-1932.
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