Candidates are slowly beginning to line up to run for positions open at seven local governments this year.
Howardwick is leading the candidate count as of Tuesday morning with all three incumbent aldermen signing up for re-election. Those are Mary Grady, Terry Barnes, and Del Essary.
In the City of Clarendon, Alderman Eulaine McIntosh has filed for re-election. The positions of Aldermen John Lockhart and Larry Jeffers are also up this spring.
Hedley Mayor Carrie Butler has filed to run for her seat again. The terms of Hedley Aldermen Tom Carson and Danny Russell are expiring, but they had not filed as of press time.
Clarendon CISD, Hedley CISD, the Clarendon College District, and the Donley County Hospital District also have positions up for election this year, but they had no candidates at press time.
Clarendon CISD has three positions, Hedley CISD has two seats, six seats – three full terms and three partial terms – are up on the Clarendon College board, and the hospital district has four positions.
All local boards are elected at-large, but hospital board candidates must file for a specific place on the board.
Candidate applications are available from the administrative offices of each entity.
Filing began January 19 and continues through Friday, February 18. Elections are scheduled to be held Saturday, May 7, 2022.
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