The Clarendon CISD Trustees extended the contract of Superintendent Jarod Bellar during their regular meeting July 16 and continued to fill out the faculty roster for the coming school year.
The board met behind closed doors before returning to open session and taking action on personnel matters.
Bellar’s performance was evaluated, and trustees voted to extend his contract by one year through June 30, 2028.
Trustees also voted to accept Bellar’s recommendations to offer contracts of employment to Kathy Duniven, Rebecca Diggs, and Isaac Semans for the coming school year.
Bellar told the Enterprise Tuesday the school has just one spot remaining – a junior high special education position – in order to have a full staff for the coming year.
Classes begin August 14 at Clarendon CISD.
In other business, Bellar reported on the school’s roofing project, the status of the Safety and Facilities Enhancement (SAFE) Grant, and the Lone Star Cup results.
The board voted to approve the Johnson and Sheldon, PLLC engagement letter to conduct the annual financial report.
Trustees also adopted resolutions authorizing certain individuals to possess firearms under Board Policy as discussed. More information on that will be reported in a future issue.
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