It was a busy time in Clarendon last weekend with a good turnout for the 147th annual Saints’ Roost Celebration July 4-6, starting with the Lions Club’s bingo and barbecue cookoff on Thursday and running through the parade, rodeo, and other big events on Saturday.
The Lions’ bingo packed about 96 people in the Lions Hall the morning of the Fourth to play for 27 fabulous bags – coolers, tool bags, designer purses, etc. – that ranged in value from about $50 to more than $500. Afterwards, the Lions’ barbecue cookoff drew five teams that prepared chicken, pork, and beef entries. The winners of the people’s choice voting were Best Beef – Taylor Shelton, Best Pork – Lauren Graves, and Best Chicken – Chris D’Costa.
The Junior Ranch Rodeo wrapped up activities for the Fourth, and the Depression Luncheon was held at the Crossties Ministry Center Friday followed by the first night of the COEA Ranch Rodeo, the results of which are printed separately.
The theme for celebration parades this year was “A Salute to Service,” honoring the men and women in uniform who serve America.
The Liberty Electric Kids Parade started things off Saturday morning with three age categories plus a motorized division.
Winners were as follows: Motorized – first place Ransom Wylee Renee and second place Oakleigh Douglass; Ages 0-3 – first place Astrid Jaramillo, second place Rodey Henson, and third place Natalie Dillman; Ages 4-8: first place Kendall Danner, second place Kinze Zongker, and third place Lennyn Gaines; and Ages 9 and Up: first place Elizabeth Newton, second place McKinley Wilhelm, and third place Kennedy Wilhelm.
In the Herring Bank Parade, the Clarendon High School Class of 2025 won the first place Float, Summer Towing had the best car/truck entry, best Animal entry was MR Cattle, Newhouse Farms had the best Tractor entry, and Country Bloomers Flowers & Gifts had the best Other entry.
The Chamber’s second annual REFZ Lawnmower Barrel Race drew nine contestants for the timed course event. Aaron Hanes finished the course in 56 seconds, and Emmalyne Roys was the runner up with a time of 59 seconds. Special recognition went to Michael Newhouse for being the only participant to finish the race with no penalties.
The Chamber also hosted its second annual Best of Donley County Blue Ribbon Exhibition during the celebration, and those results are listed in a separate article.
The Al Morrah Shrine Club served about 500 plates of barbecue this year. A portion of the proceeds from the annual barbecue are used in to help pay for the transportation of kids to the Shriners’ burns and crippled children’s hospitals.
The Donley County Junior Livestock Association raffled off a gun, and Craig Snell won it. Roy Bertrand won the drawing for the First Baptist Church youth group, and Nikki Robinson and Judy Ward won the drawings for the Consuela bag and Cornell’s gift card respectively held by the CHS Cheerleaders.
The Clarendon Lions Club’s Cow Patty Bingo was won by Russell Estlack, Bob Weiss, Courtney D’Costa, and Jesus Hernandez.
Henson’s annual Turtle Race was also held Saturday afternoon in its traditional location at Third and Kearney. A total of 109 youth entries competed in three different age divisions. Winning turtle jockeys this year were: age 0-4, Chambray Askew; age 5-8, Kendall Danner; and age 9-16, Meredith Artho. Adults then competed in a 17 and up division, and Carey Wann and Aaron Mays both won in a turtle tie.
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