Two weeks into the filing period, few citizens have stepped forward to serve on the boards of six local governments that are scheduled to hold elections this spring.
The cities of Clarendon, Hedley, and Howardwick; the Clarendon and Hedley school districts; and the Donley County Hospital District have 17 positions available this year.
Howardwick led the candidate count as all three incumbents have filed for reelection – Mayor Tony Clemishire and Aldermen Johnny Floyd and Jada Murray.
Clarendon Alderman Eulaine McIntosh has also filed for reelection. The city has the mayor’s seat and two aldermen’s positions up.
At Clarendon ISD, Chrisi Tucek has filed for reelection to the Board of Trustees. Tucek’s and one other trustee positions are available.
Rose Lemley has filed to run again for her Place 1 position on the Donley County Hospital District Board of Directors. Place 2 and Place 3 are also up for election.
No candidates have formally filed to run at the City of Hedley, where three seats are up on the Board of Aldermen.
Hedley ISD has two full three-year terms and one unexpired term up this year, but the school had no official candidates at press time.
Filing began January 18 and continues through Friday, February 17. Elections will be May 6, 2023.
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