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‘Thang’ raises funds for senior citizens

The fourth annual That Senior Thang “FAM FEST” provided lots of family fun Saturday, June 1, while raising money for the Donley County Senior Citizens Center.
The annual chicken barbecue was again a big hit with 400 chicken halves prepared. Some frozen cooked chicken halves are still available for those who missed the event. They are $5 and can be picked up at the center during regular hours 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Center director Denise Bertrand said the event was successful thanks to the efforts of those who volunteered.
“We owe a huge thanks to everyone who helped,” Bertrand said. “We need to be proud of our kids from the high school who volunteered. If it wasn’t for them, there’s no way we could do this.”
The 50/50 Raffle grew to $10,250 with half the pot going to the winning ticket purchased by Clarendon Family Medicine. P.J. O’Keefe was the winner of the quilt raffle.
Winners of the Chicken Drop Bingo were Mary Green and Ronnie Edwards.
Jace and Huxley Schmidt (nine- and six-years-old) won the Cornhole tournament against much older competitors and playing under league rules. The Bell Boys – Jackie and Kyler – won the Two-on-Two basketball game, and the Water Dodgeball tournament championship was won by the “Pickles” team of Kate Shaw, Presley Smith, and Kyler Bell. The Newhouse brothers – Matthew and Monroe – won the Water Balloon Blast.
A special plaque was dedicated and will be hung in the center in memory of the late Don Stone and his many years of service to the organization.
Next year’s Senior Thang is scheduled for June 7, 2025.
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