Quarterback Damarjae Cortez carries the ball for the Broncos during the first practice of the 2017 season Monday evening. Head coach Clint Conkin said 27 young men reported for the Bronco squad with 18 of those returning from last year’s team. Conkin said he was pleased by how quickly the team picked up on the offensive plan, and he is looking forward to the season. The Broncos will scrimmage Bovina on the road on August 18. Enterprise Photo / Roger Estlack
Clarendon College’s Lady Bulldogs volleyball team reported to campus last week to begin practice for their fall schedule. The ladies, under the direction of coach Melvin Balogh and assistant coach Josh Branan, will have their first competition in Mesquite on August 23 followed by a tournament appearance in Vernon on August 25-26. Their first home game will be September 6 against New Mexico Military Institute. CC Photo / Ashlee Estlack
Boxes and boxes of carrots were free for the taking in Hedley Sunday morning after an eastbound produce truck rolled over on US 287. No one was seriously injured in the accident, according to wrecker serviceman Neil Koetting, but several people did enjoy the bountiful blessing of boxed carrots. Photo by Neil Koetting
The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) recently presented a service award to employees of the Donley County Maintenance Section. Derek Shields, Sign Technician and Bob Spillers, Maintenance Technician both received an award for five years of outstanding service to the department. The award was presented by Marty Smith, Childress District Engineer.
The Sandell Drive-In welcomed more than 200 people to its “Grease Lightning” event Saturday, bringing people from all over the Panhandle to Clarendon. The event was part of the drive-in’s Summer Classic Series and featured a classic car show, costume contests for the best dressed “Grease” characters and the classic film “Grease.” Courtesy photo
Emergency personnel examine the wreck of Honda Pilot SUV east of Clarendon Monday morning after an Amarillo family walked away from the accident with only minor injuries. Department of Public Safety Trooper Lynn Mays said the accident was caused by Taylor Ann Polster of Denton, who was eastbound in the right hand lane of US 287 driving a Ford Focus, when she came up on a pickup driving slowly and switched lanes unsafely. Claudia Garcia, driving the Honda in the left hand lane, was forced to swerve to avoid a collision with Polster, went off the road, came back on the road and then off again, and overcorrected resulting in the SUV rolling over. Garcia and her two children were wearing seatbelts. She and one child suffered minor injuries, and all three were transported by Associated Ambulance Authority to Childress Regional Medical Center. Mays said a citation was issued to Polster. Enterprise Photo / Morgan Bebout
New officers installed at the Clarendon Lions Club this week were 5K chair Brian Fuller, Lion Tamer Bobbie Thornberry, Boss Lion Robert Riza, Secretary Roger Estlack, First Vice President John Howard, Second Vice President Scarlet Estlack, and fundraising chair Tex Buckhaults. Not pictured are Third Vice President Landon Lambert, Tail Twister Jerry Woodard, and Song Leader Larry Capranica. Enterprise Photo / Ashlee Estlack
The old Jack Lewis home inches up Koogle Street Saturday morning as McDowell House Movers of Amarillo relocated the residence to Bushland for Steve Lewis. The house traveled to its new location by taking the scenic route down State Hwy. 70 and then through Silverton. Enterprise Photo / Elaina Estlack
Hedley Senior Citizens officials Patsy Spier, Kathy Spier, and Jim Mitchell last week present the final payment to contractor Wiley Davis for the new Hedley Community Center. This completes the fundraising efforts that began more than ten years ago, and the center welcomes people of all ages to eat lunch there every weekday. For the last fifteen years, Patsy and Kathy Spier have been directing day-to-day operations of the Hedley Senior Citizens as well as being instrumental in raising the money for the new Center. A retirement reception for the Speirs will be held Sunday, July 30, from 2-4 p.m. at the Center.
CASA volunteers Medina Gribble and Debbie Roberts-Hillis pick up the CASA donation jar from Clarendon Outpost Dinner employee, Latonya Wilson. Enterprise photo / Morgan Bebout
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