Marsha Bruce (right) draws blood from Weldon Sears during the annual Donley County Health Fair at the Bairfield Activity Center last Thursday, April 13. The Donley County Extension Service reports that 93 people attended the event, and 80 blood draws were done by Donley County Hospital District paramedics and Clarendon Family Medical Center personnel for preventative testing by Northwest Texas Health Care System. Enterprise Photo / Roger Estlack
Hedley National Honor Society held its induction ceremony Friday. New inductees were Jayden Lambert, Kasie Hinton, Paul Yanez and Ida Thomasen. Courtesy photo / HHS Yearbook
Brice Hawley captured this beautiful picture of a full rainbow near Howardwick last Thursday, April 15, which appeared unusual for its low profile on the horizon. Courtesy Photo / Brice Hawley
Clarendon Mayor Sandy Skelton addresses local students during the Kids’ Press Conference hosted by Donley Active Voices last Monday night at the Burton Memorial Library. Kids got to ask questions of candidates running for school board and city council, and Donley Active Voices plans to have the children write up those interview for publication in the near future. Enterprise Photo / Elaina Estlack
Clarendon first grader Dominicc Holt receives a dental health kit from Clarendon Masonic Lodge Secretary Grett Betts during a special presentation Monday morning. The local lodge distributed more than 40 kits, containing toothpaste, toothbrushes, floss, to Clarendon and Hedley first graders as part of a campaign to improve children’s dental health. Clarendon school nurse Debbie Thompson also gave a presentation to teach kids about best practices to care for their teeth. Enterprise Photo / Roger Estlack
West Texas A&M University President Walter Wendler visited with local students and community members at Clarendon High School last Wednesday, April 5, as part of his “Your Community, Your University” tour of the Panhandle. Shown here are WTAMU Student Government Representative Karina Villafuerta, Mary Wendler, WTAMU Assistant Director of Admissions Sedrick Knowlton, Dr. Wendler, Clarendon College President Robert Riza, and Clarendon alumni Dr. Dean Hawkins, Dean of the WTAMU’s College of Agriculture and Natural Sciences. Enterprise Photo / Ashlee Estlack
Clarendon boot maker Jim Owens demonstrates his craft to local first graders during a field trip to his Kearney Street shop last week. Enterprise Photo / Roger Estlack
Lon Adams and Bill Carson visit during the 100th anniversary celebration of Moffitt Hardware last Saturday in Hedley. Carson has owned the store for more than 25 years and was very pleased with the crowd that turned out for the store’s anniversary. A head count was not available, but Carson’s daughter said they bought 240 hot dogs to serve and had to buy more after those ran out. Hedley’s Main Street was packed with cars during the entire celebration from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Enterprise Photo / Roger Estlack
Guy London from Stamford FFA examines a chicken during the Clarendon College Invitational Judging Contest last Saturday. London is a senior this year and has been judging poultry judging for four years. His team placed four in the CC poultry contest. This year’s judging contest drew its biggest crowd ever with 2,550 participants registered. Local students’ results will be published next week. Enterprise Photo / Roger Estlack
Clarendon Mayor Sandy Skelton (center shaking hands with Coach Brandt Lockhart) and members of the Clarendon City Council issued a proclamation last Friday honoring the accomplishments of the 2016-2017 State Championship Runner-Up Bronco Basketball Team. Enterprise Photo / Roger Estlack
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