Clarendon High School announces the 2017-18 cheerleaders and mascot Roxie Adams, Braylee Shields, Raynee Newsome, Emily Johnson, mascot: Tate Parker, Faith Keelin, Ashlynn Newsome, Aubrey Jaramillo, and Kira Weatherton. Enterprise photo / Morgan Wheatly
The Clarendon Broncos defeated Thorndale 59-35 to advance to the State Championship game, which will played at 1:30 Saturday afternoon, March 10, in the Alamodome in San Antonio.
Clarendon High School’s National Honor Society chapter inducted new members Monday, February 27. Junior class members inducted were Alex Bilbrey, Trinity Stribling, Colt Wood, Andy Davis, Philip Monds, Joshua Cobb, and Grayson Birch. Shown here are (back) Alex Bilbrey, Chance Lockhart, Brooke Smith, Cire Jauregui, Jensen Hatley, Aubryanna Powell, Hannah Howard, Grayson Birch, (front) Trinity Stribling, Colt Wood, Andy Davis, Philip Monds, Joshua Cobb, Clay Koetting, and MaRae Hall. Courtesy photo / Alice Cobb
Hedley High School students were looking good as they posed for pictures before the junior-senior prom held Saturday, March 4 in Quail. The 2017 Prom King and Queen were Kade McCleskey and Kenlee Lambert.Photo by Morgan Wheatly
Regional Champions: The Clarendon Broncos defeated the New Deal Lions, 75-56, Saturday, March 4, 2017, in Levelland to claim the Regional title and secure a playoff trip to the state tournament.
Mayor Sandy Skelton presents a proclamation to Greg Collins declaring Sunday, February 27, 2017, as Delbert Wayne Robertson Celebration of Life Day in Clarendon. Robertson passed away in January after a lifetime of civic leadership and community service. The proclamation, accepted by Robertson’s grandson and other family members, was read during the February 23 meeting of the City Council. Shown here are Aldermen John Lockhart and Beverly Burrow, Skelton, Alderman Nathan Floyd, Collins, Alderman Larry Jeffers, Chuck Robertson, Alderman Doug Kidd, and Michael Thompson. Enterprise Photo / Roger Estlack
Les Beaux Art Club donates money to Hedley Art Program. Hedley art students Ida Thomasen, Kallie Lindsey, and Abagail Lopez are pictured with Hedley art teacher Diane Conatser, LesBeaux Art Club member Thresa Shelton, Hedley principal Reida Penman, and Art Club member Susie Shields. The Les Beaux Art Club proudly helps support art programs in schools in Donley County. The Les Beaux Art Club also donated money to the Clarendon CISD Art Program. Enterprise photo / Kari lindsey
The Donley County Gin is wrapping up their cotton season with one of the best seasons they’ve ever had with 35,000 bales. “The good Lord blessed them with a good year” said Earl Shields. Pictured is Earl Shields and Antonio Garcia. Enterprise Photo / Morgan Wheatly
Jerri Shields (right) of Lelia Lake receives the jackpot from Enterprise Office Director Tara Allred after winning the paper’s Pigskin Predictions contest, answering five out of six questions correctly and competing against a field of 57 competitors. The total prize value was over $850. Enterprise Photo / Morgan Wheatly
Seth Greer signs to play football with West Texas A&M University last Wednesday with his parents Jimmy Greer and Courtney Halsell during a ceremony at the Bronco Gym. Enterprise photo / Roger Estlack
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