Strong gusts took a toll on parts of Donley County last Friday night, July 15. John Morrow’s well truck was overturned on the Don Robinson farm just north of Clarendon. Photo / John Morrow
In Hedley, roofs were damaged and trees like this one behind the public school lost large limbs after strong winds blew through last Friday night. Photo / Kari Lindsey
Clarendon Bronco basketball team congratulates Jodie Waters for winning the basketball goal given away during the Saints’ Roost Celebration and appreciates all those who bought a ticket for the raffle. Shown here is Colt Wood, Marshal Johnson, and Bryce Grahn. Courtesy Photo / Lisa Grahn
The Girl Scouts held their Flag Retirement Ceremony on July 4 on the Donley County Courthouse lawn. Pictured is (back) Evelyn Mills, Avery Hatsey, Cate Word, Bella Neal, Summer Thomas, (middle) Hannah Curtis, Lilly Wagner, (front) Rosa Olivia, Dahlia Neal, and Kenndy Hatsey.
The Saints’ Roost Museum float featuring a Model T with Fredi Jo and Jack Moreman was the top winner during the Saints’ Roost Celebration Herring Bank Parade on Saturday, July 2. The museum won the Best Float category and the Grand Championship Trophy and a check for $450. Enterprise Photo / Morgan Wheatly
Mrs. Jenifer Pigg, Emeri Robinson, Darcy Grahn, Jade Benson, Natalie Monds, (front row) Graci Kidd, Aubrey Jaramillo, Kaylin Hicks, and Natalie Monds attended cheer camp June 27–30 in Plainview. The camp was held at Wayland Baptist University where the girls won the spirit stick twice by being the most spirited group for the day, four blue ribbons and one red ribbon during various cheer competitions and a top certificate for crowd involvement. During the week Aubrey, Darcy and Natalie were nominated for All-American. A special thanks to Mrs. Pigg for working with the girls all week. Courtesy photo
The Herring Bank Parade winners were Bob Weiss and Derlene Gray with the Saints’ Roost Museum float which won Grand Champion and Best Float, Shawn Barker won Best Car, and the Bronco boys basketball team took home the Best Other award. Enterprise Photo / Roger Estlack
Henson’s annual Turtle Race was held Saturday the winners were (back) Grant Wilhelm for the 0-4 Division, Korey Conkin for the adult division, (front) Josie Murillo for the 5-8 division, and Kristi Gage for the 9-14 division. Enterprise Photo / Tara Allred
The Clarendon Broncos varsity team completed in the TBC (Texas Basketball Championships) Summer State Tournament this weekend. The team was the Summer State Tournament winner in the D-3 Division and went undefeated in the tournament. The team has completed in several tournaments this summer in the Texas Panhandle and in Kansas only with the generous support of the community and their parents. They have been coached by Lance Wood and Jesse Lockhart. Those pictured with the championship trophy are (front) Clay Koetting, Colt Wood, Bryce Grahn, (back) Coach Jesse Lockhart, Marshal Johnson, Damarjae Cortez, Jamal Butler, and Chance Lockhart. The boys appreciate all the support the community has given them this summer. Courtesy photo / Connie Wood.
Workers pour hot mix asphault on Third Street Tuesday morning as City Administrator David Dockery announced that the project to improve drainage is nearing completion. The added paving and concrete should handle large rains on the scale the city has had the last two years and stand up for a long time. Enterprise Photo / Roger Estlack
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