Fishin’ Fun

The Clarendon Enterprise - Spreading the word since 1878.
Two incumbent city aldermen took the oath of office last Thursday, May 12, when the Clarendon City Council met in regular session.
Mayor Larry Hicks administered the oath to Aldermen Beverly Burrow and John Lockhart, both of who were unopposed for re-election this year.
Alderman Larry Jeffers was also unopposed but was absent from last week’s meeting and will be sworn in at a later time.
The council voted to keep Alderman Sandy Skelton in his position as mayor pro-tem.
In other city business, the council heard a report from the Clarendon Volunteer Fire Department on improvements that have been made to the upper floor of City Hall, and the aldermen expressed their appreciation for the work the firemen do for the city.
Dr. Robert Riza, Clarendon College president, and local pharmacist Brandon Frausto were appointed to fill vacancies on the Clarendon Economic Development Corp. board, and the council expressed its appreciation for the willingness of Nathan Floyd and Stephen Bivens to serve on the CEDC. The council also approved an amendment to CEDC bylaws regarding the date and time of that board’s regular meetings.
A report was given that 3,300 feet of pipe have been laid by city crews as part of a water looping project.
City Administrator David Dockery reported Third Street drainage work has been delayed due to weather and the completion date for that project will need to be extended.
Dockery also reported Raul Mendoza has been hired as the seasonal attendant for Prospect Park.
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