The student councils of Clarendon Junior High and Clarendon High School held a penny drive this spring with the funds going to a local family, who recently lost their home in a fire. The junior high raised $392.55 with the sixth grade class donating the most money and earning them an ice cream party. The high school raised $319.61. The senior class won top honors by donating $80.17. Lowe’s Family center donated ice cream for the sixth grade winners. Shown here: Emmelise Warren receives a check from Calder Havens with sixth grade student council members. Back Row: Sam Clendaniel, Hadleigh Halsell, Josiah Howard, Kaylee Bruce, Natalie Monds and Kaitlyn Davis Front Row: Emmelise Warren Calder Havens, Brock Hatley, Darcy Grahn and Cutter Goodpasture. CISD photo / Lisa Grahn
Emergency personnel assist Sharyn Morrow of Clarendon Friday afternoon, May 6, after her car was rear-ended on US 287. Morrow and her husband, Earl, were eastbound on at the Koogle Street intersection in a 2013 Hyundai sedan when a Volvo tractor trailer rig slammed into back of their car. Bradley Layne Slater of Oklahoma, age 68, was driving the truck and was issued a citation for following to closely. The Morrows were transported to Northwest Texas Hospital for minor injuries and were able to return home that evening. Enterprise Photo / Roger Estlack
Clarendon’s Best Western Red River Inn received updated signage last week as part of the national brand’s new marketing effort. Hotel manager Steve Hall said franchisees recently voted to approve the new Best Western look. Enterprise Photo / Roger Estlack
Local Christians gathered to pray for America last Tuesday evening, April 26. About 75 people met at the Donley County Courthouse to lift up America in prayer to God. The meeting was on the same day that Franklin Graham prayed for America on the steps of the Capitol in Austin. There were eight prayer leaders representing different churches in the area. The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and singing God Bless America and closed with singing Amazing Grace. Courtesy Photo / Ann Purvis
The Clarendon Junior High Band earned all 1’s at their competition this past weekend. Also, several Colt Band members earned awards at the Spring Band Concert, Madisen Gay and Kenny Overstreet earned the 8th Grade Colt Band Award. Also receiving awards were Gavin Hall and Samara Johnson earned the Most Improved Band Members Award. Courtesy photo / John Taylor.
Logan Mathis was the Grand Champion when Clarendon Cub Scout Pack 437 had its annual Pinewood Derby Monday night at the First United Methodist Church. Also in attendance were Kayden Cummings, Henry Bivens (first in Den 3), Haughton Bivens (first in Den 4), Mason Allred, Ben Estlack, Jakoby Dunham, Nathan Estlack (first in Den 1), Daniel Estlack, Jacob Murrillo (first in Den 2), Steven Mills, and John Holt. Not pictured but also attending was Patrick Monds. Enterprise Photo / Roger Estlack
Donley County 4H judging team members did well at the District 1 4-H Horse Judging Contest held at WTAMU Equine Center on April 15. Shown here are the team members and coach Robin Ellis. Overall individual placings were Seniors Division – Brandalyn Ellis 1st, Alysse Simpson 3rd; Junior Division – Laney Gates 2nd, Jayde Gribble 3rd. Overall team placings were Intermediate Division, Team Donley 2 (Hadleigh Halsell, Mycah Woodard, Brenna Ellis) 4th; Intermediate Division, Team Donley 1 (Darcie Hunsaker, Tanner Burch, Calder Havens, Malerie Simpson) 5th; Junior Division, Team (Laney Gates, Jayde Gribble, Bryce Williams, Josh Dunn) 2nd. Courtesy Photo
Small hail formed “hail glaciers” following storms that blew through Donley County on Saturday evening, April 16, like these seen near Farm Road 1755. Rain accumulations totaled about 1.5 inches in some areas, and some of the “glaciers” were about two feet. Courtesy Photo / Kelly Hill
Clarendon High School seniors were looking good Saturday as they posed for pictures on the First United Methodist Church steps before the junior-senior prom. ENTERPRISE PHOTO / MATTHEW MARTINEZ
An Amarillo man throws a disc from the number three tee box at the new Greenbelt Disc Golf Course at Kincaide Park Sunday afternoon. The 18-hole attraction at Lake Greenbelt drew about 30 participants for its first official tournament. A bigger tournament is planned for June 4-5. For more information, visit the Green Belt Disc Golf Club on Facebook. Enterprise Photo / Roger Estlack
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