Hedley second grade is asking for your help with their pull tab collection for The Ronald McDonald House. Second graders have been saving tabs and plan to make a donation soon to the Ronald McDonald House in Amarillo. If you have any spare tabs, please bring them to the office at Hedley School. Pictured are Abbey Branigan, Collin Alston, Adrianna Villarreal, and Maddie Moore. Enterprise photo / Kari Lindsey
Hedley second grader Adrianna Villarreal gazes at ice crystals that formed on a tether ball rope Monday morning. Jack Frost made his presence known all day Monday, but warmer temperatures were being predicted for this weekend. Enterprise Photo / Kari Lindsey
Hedley FFA members Evelyn Mills and Tyler Harper exhibit their steers during the Donley County Junior Livestock show last Saturday. Photo by / Morgan Wheatly
Greenbelt Electric lineman Levi Proaps trudges back to his truck through blowing snow after repairing a service at the intersections of County Roads W and 14 southeast of Clarendon last week. Courtesy Photo / Greenbelt Electric
Brock Hatley prepares for the annual Donley County Junior Livestock Show & Sale this Saturday, January 9, starting at 9 a.m. at the at the Donley Count Activity Center. Courtesy photo
The Clarendon College Livestock Judging Team brought home first place from the Arizona National Livestock Show this past weekend in Phoenix. Annie Beldon, Quentin Quintana, Brayden Hawkins, and Kirsten Midkiff all placed in the top ten at the contest. Also representing Clarendon were team members Kris Johnson and Trey Tidwell. Coaches are Johnny Treichel and Curtis Wertman. The team’s next competition is in Denver, Colo., this weekend. CC Courtesy Photo
Hedley’s National Honor Society members Kelsey Wells, Madison Shelp, Bailey Downing, Kylie Wood, Shaylee Chapman, Adam Bernal and Heath McCleskey collected gifts for less fortunate children in Hedley. Enterprise photo / Kari Lindsey
Tom Panger, from the WOWW program, visited the Clarendon Kindergarten class on Wednesday, December the 16th to do a chalk drawing of Santa and Rudolph. This was such a fun way to wrap up our unit of study about Christmas and reindeer. Courtesy photo
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