Hedley High School NHS sponsored a canned food drive this past week at Hedley School. They gathered 425 pounds of food to be donated. Pictured are Adam Bernal, Kati Adams, Wyatt Wheatly, Kathy Spier, Patsy Spier, Kevin Munoz, Anna Seifert, Kelsey Wells, and Kortnay Burton. Courtesy Photo by / Hedley Yearbook
Ben Estlack joins Tyler Smith and Whitney Lane during the curtain call following the performance of Dr. Jeckyll & Mr. Hyde at Clarendon College Saturday night. Enterprise Photo / Roger Estlack
Donley County was cold but beautiful Monday morning after about three inches of snow fell on the area. Paula Blackburn captured this photo on County Road 17. Courtesy Photo
Clarendon College held their Veterans Day program Tuesday, November 11 at the Harned Sister Auditorium. Capt. John Howard gave the keynote address. Also participating were Jack Moreman and CC President Robert RizaEnterprise Photo / Elaina Estlack
Donley County Judge Jack Hall administers the oath of office to Precinct 1&2 Justice of the Peace Pam Mason on November 12 after county commissioners appointed her to fill the vacant position following the November 4 election.
Clarendon Cub Scouts in Dens 2 and 3 learned about the history and importance of the local newspaper during a field trip last Wednesday, November 12. Enterprise Photo / Tara Allred
Pre- Kindergartener, Brandon Moore, carries his prize pumpkin at Howard’s Pumpkin Ponderosa. The Pumpkin Ponderosa hosted the PK-2nd grade students. Enterprise photo / Kari Lindsey
The Clarendon Lions Club held its 92nd annual Charter Banquet Tuesday, October 28, and several Lions were recognized for their service to the club. Shown here are District Gov. James Mahaffey, past president and Lion of the Year Ashlee Estlack, Lion Sweetheart Abby Johnson, 30-year member Lion Jerry Woodard, and 10-year member Lion Russell Estlack. Enterprise Photo / Roger Estlack
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