The Clarendon College Livestock Judging Team competed at the State Fair of Texas last week. Anne Belden was 8th of 124 contestants in the novice division and both the Sophomore and Novice Teams finished in the top ten. The Meats Judging team came home with a win from the American Royal Stock Show out of seven teams. Jessica Humphrey was high individual; Hailey Dimintroff was 3rd high individual; Lane Harrington was 4th high individual; Kiersten Scott was 7th high individual; and Gus Holbien was 1st high individual in the alternates division.
Hedley Homecoming Queen Kortney Burton (third from left) smiles with homecoming court members Kati Adams, Becca Butler, and Kelsey Wells last Friday. Enterprise PHoto / Kari Lindsey
Clarendon High School freshman Jessie Taylor tries to get the ball past junior Amelia Weatherton during last Friday’s Powder Puff football games at Bronco Stadium. Enterprise Photo / Tara Allred.
Greenbelt Peanut Company received its first truck of Donley County peanuts for the 2014 season last Friday, September 26. The Spanish peanuts were produced by Roger Wade. Enterprise Photo / Roger Estlack
Workers with Gene James Construction rock Sixth Street last Tuesday afternoon as part of a two-pass seal coat process. More than two years after Clarendon voters approved a street improvement bond, City Hall says the project is completed other than clean-up activities. Enterprise Photo / Tara Allred
Clarendon Chamber of Commerce officials, the Clarendon Lions Club and The Bridge – Children’s Advocacy Center of Amarillo cut the ribbon for a new office at the Lions Hall Tuesday. The local office will serve children who are suspected victims of abuse in the southeast corner of the Panhandle. Bridge board president David Walker said the center serves a the largest area of any child avocacy center in Texas. Boss Lion Larry Capranica said The Bridge serves a great purpose in in that abused children don’t have to live a terrible event over and over. Enterprise Photo / Morgan Wheatly
Rooster Moore executes the play during the Hedley – Valley JV game on Friday night. Valley came away with a 36-20 lead in the end. Enterprise Photo / Kari Lindsey
Hedley Homecoming Queen candidates were named last Friday. Contestants are senior Kortney Burton, sophomore Kelsey Wells, senior Kati Adams and senior Becca Butler. The queen will be crowned October 3. Kari Lindsey photo
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